Codex Space Wolves Rumors & Rules!

Codex: Space Wolves rumors are flowing! – Here’s the latest!
via Voice of the Chaos Gods 7-18-2014
Space Wolves Codex Info:
They are now Warlord Traits like other armies with the difference that you can choose them without to roll dices
HQ Units
Like 3rd Edition; One HQ per 750p
Logan Grimnar
Lord of War, may take Two Warlord Traits, make Wolf Guard Packs to troops
Ragnar Blackmane
When all Units in the detachment take Drop Pods as dedicated Transport, Ragnar will be free. Your Army may only take Unites with an Drop Pod option.
Canis Wolfborn
No longer in the Codex
Harald Deathwolf
New Character, replace the generic Wolf Lord on Thunderwolf, make Thunderwolf Cavalry to Troops
Bjorn the Fell-Handed
Now a Lord of War, becomes “it will not die”. When Bjorn is destroyed every Space Wolves Unit within 12″ becomes furious charge, fearless and hate the unit, charakter or vehicle that destroyed him
Wolf Guard
Pack Leaders are now entries in the Units like Squad Leaders in other Armies. Still no teleport for Terminators
Grey Hunters
Close Combat Weapons are now a option that replace the Bolter, 5p cheaper
Blood Claws
3p cheaper
Long Fangs
Can’t take Rhinos as dedicaded Transports
For the Wolftime!!