Retribution: Riflemen Now Lighter & Shootier!
These are some great new plastic models that you can easily add to your retribution army. These guys were not that popular early on. However, with the release of the houseguard thane things have definitely changed. Now you can threaten stealth units or get that extra movement these guys are starting to see more and more table time. With a big 14” threat and CRA they are very flexible at what targets they can go after. Able to unload multiple shots at swarming infantry or take big combined shots and heavily armored models.
Why take riflemen over strikeforce or invictors? Well if you need to kill stealth these guys are the dudes that can do it. The UA for this unit can make clearing lanes or jamming models like boomhowlers a breeze with the ability to CRA into melee. Ossayan and Raven probably can get the most out of riflemen with shooting feats and abilities like snipe or quicken to keep them safe. Issyria is a great toolbox caster and can make them situational good with her debuffs and accuracy boosting feat. The rest of the casters don’t do much for riflemen, but that is not to say they can’t make use of them.
Stay out of max range forcing them to move. With no aiming bonus they will usually need help hitting models. Depending if they unit has a UA or not, you can jam them with reach infantry and prevent them from getting all shots to bear. Finally, they are pretty weak on the defensive end. If you can land some blast templates, sprays, or shots on them they will die in droves.