Fantasy Flight Games really pulled off the stops with an unprecedented amount of new Star Wars products! Check these out!
Let’s hit these by Gamesystem:
Pre-release copies of Wave 5
– Decimator, YT-2400, and Rebel Aces are all over the place.
Wave 6 Unveiled
3rd Faction (Scum and Villany)
New Products:
-Star viper
-M-3A Interceptor
-IG-2000 (IG-88’s ship!)
-“Most Wanted” boxed set (includes two Z-95, one Y-wing models, and “conversions for slave 1 & HWK-290”)
So BAM – you get a third faction with 7 ships – opening up the game!
Star Wars Armada
Wave 1 Products Unveiled:
-Core Box
-Victory Class Star Destroyer
-Gladiator Class Star Destroyer
-Assault Frigate Mk.III
-Imperial fighter Pack (8 squadrons, variety of fighter types)
-Rebel fighter Pack (8 squadrons, X-wing, A-wing, B-wing, Y-wing)
Imperial Assault
Star Wars miniatures boardgame (roughly 28mm)
Boardgame based on current Descent ruleset
Much more photos and videos as we get them.
~Walking around the show, it really feels like FFG is really hitting their stride and has a massive on-floor presence in both the exhibitor and play venues.