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Nagash Returns, the Old World Shatters – WOW!

2 Minute Read
Aug 18 2014

The great necromancer in Warhammer returns; the Old World is SMASHED!  Here’s the details!

via Felwether and Archibald_TK 8-18-2014

Warhammer, The End Times is noted to contain new rules that change the way a game of Warhammer can be played. It is not a new edition.


Warhammer: Nagash – 2 hardback books in a slip case. €65

Book 1: 296 page fluff book detailing the return of Nagash and events that affect every Warhammer race.

Book 2: 96 page book containing rules for Nagash, new miniatures, the Lore of Undeath, Undead Legion, fighting underground and more apparently.

Nagash – no mention of him being a dual kit, rules are included in the box. €85(!!)

Magic Cards

Nagash Novel

What the background in the WD tell us:
– I hope you didn’t like Kislev, because there is no longer a Kislev.
– Archaon advance have been stalled by Vlad under the order of Nagash (the Empire was in major trouble).
– Nagash goes fighting to unite the Tomb Kings and VC (one of the scenario pictured in WD translate into “the Fall of Settra”).

Regarding miniatures/rules:
– Nagash is magnificent, and very very tall thanks to his flying posture (he is supported by a bunch of souls).
– But he’s not that massive overall, I have no idea how he managed to reach the 85€ pricetag.
– Not a dual kit.
– No other models that week, but the ones serving under him are hinted at the end of WD for the week after (so I suppose Vlad and that Arkhan dude, note that I know the WFB lore very poorly).
– As people expected, the new magic lore appear to work like Demonology for 40k (except with undead).
– Rules are changing with that extension, 50% lords for example.

~Well, now we know why they never made a Kislev armybook…

Author: Larry Vela