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40K: The Case for Space Hulk Grows

2 Minute Read
Sep 5 2014
Warhammer 40K

Those whispers regarding an unexpected return of Space Hulk are getting stronger:

We now have three people on the same page in the last couple of days:

Via Arthurius11 from Warseer 9-3-2014 (almost 100% accurate since WFB Dark Elves were released)

The only thing I have heard about at this moment for this month is space hulk which is not fantasy related anyway.

via MiyamotoMushashi 9-4-2014

I heard a while back (and have mentioned a few times – though I wasn’t certain until Arthurius said it) that they would be re-releasing exactly the same box this year. So that’s what to expect AFAIK.

via Steve the Warboss 9-5-2014

Between Endtimes and the Dark Eldar, there will be a Space Hulk Board Game re-release.


The last one was “Limited Release”, so who knows if this one would be completely identical, or altered in some way to distinguish between the two.  It certainly makes this image make more sense:

~Would you grab Space Hulk this time around if you had the chance?


Author: Larry Vela
  • 40K Tactics: Astra Militarum - Infantry Squad

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