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NEW STUFF: Nagash Week 3 Morghasts & More Arrive!

2 Minute Read
Sep 5 2014

It’s the last week of Nagash befor ethe great unknown – and The Great Necromancer is going out with a bang:

Morghast Harbingers/Archai $59

Once they were known as hammurai, the winged heralds of Ptra, God of light, who were sent to destroy the Great Necromancer. When they failed, Nagash took their ruined corpses and created a host of sentient vassals to lead his armies. Thus the Morghasts were born.
This multi-part plastic kit can be assembled as two Morghast Harbingers. Possessed with the might of demigods, they wield swords and glaives – fashioned long ago on Ptra’s solar forge – that blaze with the spirit energies of the slain, the souls trapped within driven to drag others to share their fate.
This multi-part plastic kit can be assembled as two Morghast Archai. They are clad in ebon-wrought armour which channels the magic of the world into their accursed forms. Possessed with the might of demigods, they wield swords and glaives that blaze with the spirit energies of the slain, the souls trapped within driven to drag others to share their fate.

Spirit Hosts $26

Sylvania is rich in the spirits of the dead, for it has a long history of misery and suffering, and it is rife with polluting warpstone. On the field of battle, these vengeful apparitions cluster together into hosts that drift slowly towards their warm-blooded victims with a terrible inevitability. Even a cannonball strike will not damage a Spirit Host, for they exist only partially in this world. However, their twilight state does not render these spirits harmless. They can claw at a mortal’s flesh with long, taloned hands, stilling the victim’s beating heart with nothing more than a touch.
This multi-part plastic kit makes three Spirit Hosts.

The Bundle Deals:

The Unliving Host of Nagash $822

The Unliving Host of Nagash is a massive multi-part plastic bundle, which includes: 1 Nagash, Supreme Lord of the Undead, 1 Arkhan the Black, Mortarch of Sacrament, 1 Mannfred von Carstein, Mortarch of Night and 1 Neferata, Mortarch of Blood, 1 Mortis Engine, 1 Wight King, 1 Banshee, 1 Necromancer, 10 Tomb Guard, 16 Tomb Kings Skeletons, 20 Crypt Ghouls, 15 Black Knights/Hex Wraiths, 3 Vampire Counts Vargheists/Crypt Horrors, 20 Zombies, 20 Grave Guard, 20 Vampire Counts Skeletons and 1 Terrorgheist.

End Times 1-Click Bundle $269


The End Times: New Releases is a multi-part plastic bundle that gathers together all the End Times miniatures released over the last three weeks. It includes : 1 Nagash, Supreme Lord of the Undead; 1 Arkhan the Black, Mortarch of Sacrament; (which can also be assembled as Mannfred von Carstein, Mortarch of Night or Neferata, Mortarch of Blood); 2 Morghast Harbingers (which can also be assembled as Morshast Archai) and 3 Spirit Hosts.

Who’s getting what?

Author: Larry Vela
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