Space Hulk Teaser!? – YOU Decide

Those whispers regarding an unexpected return of Space Hulk just got a shot in the arm from GW today!
Last week we had this:
Via Arthurius11 from Warseer 9-3-2014 (almost 100% accurate since WFB Dark Elves were released)
The only thing I have heard about at this moment for this month is space hulk which is not fantasy related anyway.
via MiyamotoMushashi 9-4-2014
I heard a while back (and have mentioned a few times – though I wasn’t certain until Arthurius said it) that they would be re-releasing exactly the same box this year. So that’s what to expect AFAIK.
via Steve the Warboss 9-5-2014
Between Endtimes and the Dark Eldar, there will be a Space Hulk Board Game re-release.
My Space Hulk spidey-sense is tingling…
~Would you grab Space Hulk this time around if you had the chance?