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40K: Heretics and Traitors REJOICE!

3 Minute Read
Oct 2 2014
Warhammer 40K

Forgeworld confirms a new book aimed at the dark twisted hearts of traitors and heretics across the galaxy!

via Forgeworld:

The latest edition to the Imperial Armour book range includes profiles and rules for the vehicles of the Chaos Space Marines, Chaos Titans, Daemon Engines and the armoured vehicles of the Heretic and the Renegade.

It also includes a complete army list for the forces of the Renegade and the Heretic, alongside extensive details on the dark heraldry and blasphemous iconography used by the traitorous Chaos Space Marines.

Presented in a unique slip case and including a exclusive double-sided A1 poster, this special edition is limited to 2,000 copies worldwide and is available to buy for the first time at Warhammer Fest.

Here’s the earliest rumors on this from months back:

via Warseer’s Pushkin 2-4-2014

IA13 is called War Machines of the Lost and the Damned. It is written by Andy Hoare and edited by Talima Fox.

It will be released in Summer/Autumn 2014.

The book will contain an updated Chaos Renegades list similar to the one found in the Vraks trilogy, along with numerous chaos vehicles/war machines including updated versions of the Horus Heresy vehicles for the traitors to use in regular games of 40k. It’s unclear whether this will be a variant of the ‘Defenders of Vraks’ list in IA1, the servants of slaughter list in IA6 or the servants of decay list in IA7. I imagine it will be a reworked version of all three. (i.e. quite chaosy but without the campaign specific units like the Alpha Legion). Talima described the list as being the renegade version of what the list in IA12 was for the Death Korps of Krieg – make of that what you will!

The art book was on display at the open day and had pictures of a Chaos Thunderhawk, Chaos Stormeagle and the Anvilluss pattern and Kharybdis assault claw.
Speaking to Andy Hoare he mentioned the rules for the Horus heresy era war machines would be updated to reflect the ten thousands years that they had spent in the warp and the access to munitions that the chaos legions had. He gave two examples, the first being the missile load out on the Storm Eagle, instead of the tempest rockets load out it will have access to Balefire missiles.

The second example was the class M2KB Landraider. Instead of the explorator augatory web which is designed for scanning enemy positions and co-ordinating forces, however due to the corruption of the warp this is now used to intercept enemy positions and thwart their movements. It will be interesting to see the rules for this.The greater brass scorpion of Khorne and the decimator engine also had new renders on screen in the graphics part, which suggests that updated rules for these models.

It’s also worth noting that HH3: Extermination contains references to Iron Warrior specific siege tanks used during the battle of Paramar and the dark mechanicum using stalk tank like units to hunt the raven guard survivors on Istavaan, so it will be interesting to see whether these units crop up in either future HH books or IA13.
I am speaking to my friend who was also chatting to lots of the designers about this and many other things, so ill ask him if i’ve missed anything!

~ Death to the False Emperor!


Author: Larry Vela
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