40K Loremaster Quiz: How Much DO You Know?
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Oct 16 2014

This one goes out to all the Warhammer 40,000 Loremasters. It’s time to see just how good you really are!
The rules are simple:
10 Questions, and set a timer (use your phone). It’s open book, and tell us how many you got right and how long it took you. Be honest!
Pencils ready – BEGIN!
1) Hans Kho’ren is a Chaos Lord who led his warband in the First War of Armageddon. What Legion does he hail from?
2) What rank is shared by Lucius, Eidolon, and Macharius?
3) The Rampagers are a 2nd founding Astartes chapter, originating from which founding legion?
4) The Heart of Cronus is the last surviving flagship of which Astartes chapter?
5) What was the name of the “upside down” fortress masterpiece designed by Iron Warriors Warsmith Barabas Dantioch?
6) What Astartes armored vehicle is often deployed in Linebreaker Squadrons?
7) The Harakoni Warhawks Drop Regiment prefer to use Plasma guns and what heavy weapon?
8) Who discovered the Emperor after he killed Horus?
9) What creature hunted the defenders of the planet Devlan for 20 days?
10) What is the name of The Silent King, last ruler of the Necron race?
Pencils Down!
Feel free to use this for research
How did you do?
Answer key: 1)World Eaters, 2)Lord commander, 3)White Scars, 4)Scythes of the Emperor 5)Schadenhold, 6)Vindicator, 7)Heavy bolters, 8)Rogal Dorn, 9)The Red Terror, 10)Szarekh

Author: Larry Vela