40K RUMORs: Q4 Bugs, Toasters and Vampires!
It looks like every rumormonger out there has a story to tell this week. Here’s the latest on Tyranids, Necrons, and Blood Angels:
via Lords of War 10-10-2014
-The Necrons will see the release of a Necron lord.
-They will recieve a codex in January.
-Tyranids will see the release of two large bugs.
-The rules for their models will be in the box like the Nagash release.
-This is just a model release for the Tyranids, no codex.
-Kits coming in 6-7 weeks.
-Kits “will give the army more punch”
Blood Angels
-Lastly the Blood angels will be released at the end of the year.
There is chatter about that single Necron kit saying it is a new plastic Destroyer Lord/Destroyer kit.
~Have at it!