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WFB LATEST: Glotkin Model & End Times II Book Details

2 Minute Read
Oct 21 2014

NEWS AT LAST!  Here’s the latest word on what headed your way this weekend!  Light Your candles for the Empire now…

via L’Astropate 10-21-2014

End Times II Product Descriptions


Ghost9494 on L’Astropate 
– “The Glottkin” box contains a sorcerer and a champion on a monster similar to a Nurgle giant;
– The english version of “Warhammer The End Times: Glottkin” is a set with two hardcover books, one for the story and the other for the rules;
– The italian version is a softcover book with the rules and a reduced version of the story;
– “Warhammer The End Times: Glottkin” contains the story about the forces of Chaos (Daemons, Warriors of Chaos and Beastmen) invading the Empire.


Ghost9494 sull’Astropate
– La scatola “The Glottkin” contiene uno stregone e un campione che cavalcano un mostro simile a un gigante di Nurgle;
– La versione in inglese di “Warhammer The End Times: Glottkin” ha la copertina rigida e contiene due libri, uno per la narrativa e l’altro per le regole;
– La versione in italiano di “Warhammer The End Times: Glottkin” ha la copertina morbida e contiene le regole e una versione ridotta della narrativa;
– I libri “Warhammer The End Times: Glottkin” raccontano l’invasione dell’Impero da parte delle forze del Caos (Guerrieri e Demoni del Caos e Uominibestia).

We’re now taking open bets šŸ™‚ for what two big cities besides Altdorf get it in End Times II.  Whats your guess?

Author: Larry Vela
  • BoLS News/Rumor Roundup 10-19-2014

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