Garfy’s Showcase Film and Photos: Beorn Bear and Man from The Hobbit
2 Minute Read
Nov 13 2014

Garfy has followed up his Orc Armies on Parade video, with a brand new short showcase film for his finished Beorn models after the jump are photographs for you to enjoy as well.
Let me know what you thought about the video in the comments. I’m getting a little faster at producing these short films. The Orc one took three evenings. This one took two evenings (8 hours) and I feel it’s a better edit.
As well as creating a video, I’ve photographed every single painting step and I will be producing a tutorial for each of these models to add to the already huge collection of Hobbit model tutorials I’ve created.
Did you like my video? Would you like to see more showcase videos or do you prefer pictures?
Tale of Painters is a hobby blog by six experienced painters from all over the world, updated daily since 2011. Follow Tale of Painters for updates of their latest projects, inspirational showcases, high-class tutorials and reviews.

Author: Garfy