White Dwarf #41 : New Tyranids & Campaign Rumors

Dropping in this week was another White Dwarf featuring the new Tyranids that had everyone buzzing last Monday.
If you haven’t heard already they’ll be getting a new kit this week that can make either the new Tyrannocyte or the Sporocyst. Plus the kit also comes with a new spore called the Mucolid as well.
New units aside, other than a preview of the new kits and a copy of their rules, the rest of the issue was reather lackluster The Paint Splatter and Sprues and Glue article, both normally normally a highlight of the issue for me, were pretty bland. The Paint Splatter one especially, as it just showed off how to apply a few different washes to white primmered models to create a shaded tone.
To me that seems like a pretty basic concept and it’s something I would expect to see in Games Workshop’s How to Paint Miniatures Guide, and not their flagship weekly magazine. I did however appreciate the developers rules segment on the new units, where they explain how they envisioned the new Tyranids being played, and offered insight into what roles they fill in the fluff and on the tabletop.
Hopefully if GW decides to keep releasing the rules for new unit via a digital download a day after the White Dwarf drops, they’ll spend more time focusing on content for it.
Otherwise I’m not sure what the big draw would be in future for the venerable magazine.