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Next Week’s White Dwarf & a Clue!

2 Minute Read
Dec 23 2014

Everyone put your ear to the ground – I think I hear something approaching…

images via waaaghgaming (in german)

So it looks like the previous talk was correct and the last White Dwarf of the year has no new models.  Not exactly a surprise with all of us too busy unwrapping presents and slamming the spiked eggnog.

Instead we get a general focus on Forgeworld models (buy them), and a mini dogfight game of some type involving playing cards.  To be honest I am always a sucker of little homebrew rules for playing with your models – so that’s pretty cool!

But enough of that – onto the teaser for WD 49, the first magazine of 2015!
The back page teaser hint says:
  • Forge World
  • Color splash
  • They come from the depths
“They come from the depths”…  I’m not a betting man but can we all hold hands and say it together…  

SKAVEN!!!(or necrons)

~What do you think it means?

Author: Larry Vela
  • Privateer Press: Iron Kingdoms Unleashed Terrain