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2015 – Holiday Roundup

3 Minute Read
Jan 5 2015
Warhammer 40K

It’s been a very bust past 2 weeks for all of you just coming back from the holidays.  Let’s catch you up!

End Times: Thanquol (click for full roundup)

Yes, the End Times series continues to roll out, and will be the first product launch of the new year from GW.  The Skaven get the limelight and are looking to smash up the Old world something fierce. Week 1 products have already arrives, centered around the amazing Verminlord kits.  Look for Thanquol atop some king of giant beast and the book soon!

Harlequins (click for full roundup)

Almost every rumormonger is talking about this new 40K codex out of nowhere.  It is coming after End Times Thanquol, and most people are talking February.  Look for a small mini-codex and all new range that will incorporate several all new plastic Harlequin kits backed up by several existing kits drawn from the Eldar/Dark Eldar ranges (mainly transports).

This is said to be only the first of 2015’s “mini-codex” releases aimed to be easy to collect, contain all new kits, and fill out the 40K universe as most of the “big codices” are already complete.

Necrons (click for full roundup)

Pretty much everyone has been saying to look for Necrons in late January after End Times 4 runs it’s course.  This said to be a quick release centered around 1-2 miniatures including a new plastic Necron Lord. Oddly, there hasn’t been a peep of any info on the tin men since about Christmas.  Hmmm…

Adeptus Mechanicus (click for full roundup)


There has been a low level of conflicting chatter regarding a mini-codex release od Adeptus Mechanicus in plastic centered around Skitarri doing the rounds.  It is mainly centered around a single picture and many venerable rumormongers are saying they have heard nothing about it.  We are putting this on into the “keep an eye on it, but don’t believe it quite yet” category…

FFG – Imperial Assault

We also got to do a long unboxing of the newest Star Wars game – IMperial Assault.  Check it out – it’s looking like a big hit for FFG!

FFG – X-Wing & Armada


We also got two holiday treats from FFG in the form of a look at Fleet Building in the upcoming Armada, and a detailed look at the new M3-A Interceptor for the Scum & Villainy faction for X-Wing.

Happy new year – now back to work šŸ™‚

Author: Larry Vela
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