40K: Harlequin Minis Latest & Tease…

Multiple tongues are wagging about the Harlequins! Here’s the latest on the next rumored 40K army!
Here’s the latest on the Followers of the Laughing God:
via Steve the Warboss 1-19-2014
Regarding Harlequin Minis
-1 Clampack
-2 Box Sets
-First Set is a Jetbike Unit
-Second Set is a Combi for two Infantry Units
Next factor in the teaser from this week’s white Dwarf with says: “The Dance of Death”
Finally, take a look at how those minis rumors line up with the original set from 2 weeks ago. Not exact, but close enough to see the rumor patterns start to gel.
Harlequin Release is coming after End Times: Thanquol (unknown if this means immediately afterwards)
Release window is 2 weeks
Release covers, codex, 3 clampacks, 2 minis boxes
Kits described as:
– Seer (clampack)
– Master (clampack)
– Death Jester (clampack)
– Harlequin Troupe
– Harlequin Jetbikes
The bigger question is whether the Harlequins will get a 1 or 2 week release slot. These clowns could be this year’s “Imperial Knight” runaway hit for GW (and they need one).