40K: New Harlequins Transport & Troupe Rules!

Here come the bouncing, flipping Harlequin rumors, including a shiny new transport!
Here’s the latest on the Followers of the Laughing God:
via Gary’s bird 1-23-2014
Regarding Harlequin Troupes:
Unit of harlequin troupes are 4 Players and a Troupe Master according to next week’s White Dwarf.
Holosuit, shuriken pistol, close combat weapon, plasma grenades, flip belt
Special Rules
Fear, fleet, furious charge, and hit and run
Can include up to 7 additional Players
any model can take a fusion pistol or neuro disruptor 12″ S1 AP2 fleshbane
Upgrades are a harlequin’s embrace-S: user AP- melee embrace of death gives d3 hammer of wrath attacks at S6, harlequins kiss, and harlequins caress. Any model can upgrade
The Troupe Master can take one item from the Enigmas of the Black Library and can select a Starweaver as a dedicated transport.
It looks like a lot of the early rumors were pretty close to the mark.