Goatboy’s Monday Thoughts – Looks Like Another Crazy Year

Goatboy here with the first post of the year. And oh, it’s looking like its going to be a very busy 2015!
Instead of some kind of diatribe about tournaments, lists, and other such nonsense I have thought lets just look at what I really enjoy about 40k – building and painting a list. Lets look at my future army plans and we can see if I even get close to finishing all of it by the end of the year.
The first big plan I have is to finally get a new Ork army done. I have been wanting to get a new list built as soon as the new codex hit. I was unlucky to have all my Boyz be Shoota Boyz. The changes to Mob rule plus the points hit on them have left me with 120 sad and lonely Boyz. I plan on leaving those as is because if you were ever an Ork player you will have a crap ton of Slugga/Choppa boyz lying around. Heck I think I have 150+ beyond the 90 I sent to a buddy.
I have 3 versions I want to finish up to allow me to play a bunch of different Ork armies. The first one I plan on building is the Greentide list. I keep thinking I should do the crazy Ork guys who are stuck on the Khorne Planet. Might do them red skinned, covered up in gore and other bits and then have the crazy Warboss leading them into battle. I might have some with chaos weapons as well and some small mutations. I just need to finish some commissions to get some time testing out some options.
After the Tide I think I will finally build my Stompa. I have had 1 in a box for a long time. Heck I had 2 from tournament winnings when I initially came back to 40k. It has been collecting dust in the back of my miniature room and I feel it is about time I played with it. I think I can get it to work utilizing the Horde Detachment plus the crazy HQ Big Mek formation. It probably will be a bust but it just sounds interesting to do. Heck I could use my Shoota Boyz as bubble wrap to keep the Melta from putting holes in my Stompa’s butt.
The final “build” I want to create is the Deff Kopta unit with a ton of HQ’s. I have most of the parts and love converting Warbosses on Bikes. This unit will easily combo with some of the other builds and give my Orks some fast moving treat to keep the Stompa or the Tide kicking it. I think a lot of games can be one by creating a central presence and careful deployment of the objectives. Plus I want to get some wins with Orks and shame people with the Stompa.
The other army that is always in my docks to get finished is a custom Thunder Wolf Armageddon army. I still think the Wolves fit the Juggernaut riders of the apocalypse the best in the current rules. In fact I don’t know why GW hasn’t fleshed out more Juggernaut rider options for the Chaos Space marines. Heck I can just hope we see it in the reworked 7th edition book so will see. Still – the idea of a ton of Jugger riders just sounds like fun.
Of course I could just make them all into Goats and continue the infamy of my Counts as Nonsense – so will see. I can’t help but continue painting evil things so if there is any kind of Marine armies to be had you can expect them to be red, have chaos markings, and look mean. It is just my nature. The idea of bringing the Goats back does sound fun so that might be my middle of the year project. It really depends on if the Chaos Marines book actually comes out and if we see new models.
I have an Airbrush I want to pull out to do some experimenting on. The kiddo gets easier and once I clean out a space in the garage I can bust out some paint. I have too many friends that use it and I need to get into the groove of things. I think I could create a neat style that utilizes some under coating and initial shading and then mixing in my graffiti mess I usually do for everything else. It is on my list of skills to learn and I hope to say by the end of the year I don’t suck to bad at it.
On the art side of things I got an idea that I want to try and flesh out some more. It sounds fun and it isn’t a comic. If I can get some time to do a test picture we can see if it is worth it to continue on. My next year is full of family, work certification, and commission work so it might be a bleak time for my own ideas. Still if this hobby keeps me going and I am sure I will have new stuff coming out.
What hobby plans do you have for this next year? Are you cutting back or are the current rumors of Harlequins and other armies too much to keep you at bay? Do you hope that all the books get “brought” down to make 7th edition balanced? Have you moved over to competitive tiddly winks? Do these hot pants make me look fat?