40K Battle Report: Space Marines & Astra Militarum vs Eldar

SN Battle reports brings you a special mission battle report. Will Praxedes lead his Spartan Legion safely to the Cadian outpost………
Deployment – (Special Deployment) Set deployment by the Space Marines with Infiltrating Eldar and outflanking Reserves from both table edges.
Mission – (Special Mission) As soon as the enemy Chapter Master is slain the mission is won by the Eldar, If the Chapter Master reaches the Cadian Outpost the mission is accomplished by the Space Marines
Points – 1200pts
Praxedes looked down at the artefact, it looked tiny and fragile in his gauntlet. It looked like bone and glowed with an ethereal light from within. Every square millimetre was covered in tiny runes that appeared xenos in origin. He carefully placed it back in its stasis container and mag-clamped it to his belt. Too many of his brothers had died for this trinket. Too many had died for his personal honour. He silently rued the day he had bent his knee to the Inquisition. He cursed himself for needing their aid and thus being in their debt. Now the debt was to be exacted and honour demanded he answer that call. After all, what was a man, an Astartes, without honour? But too many had died and the responsibility was his and his alone. He was the Chapter Master and the Spartan Legion was his responsibility. Every starship, every Astartes, every servitor. When the Inquisitorial summons had arrived he had come as bidden with a small strike force drawn from the reserve companies. It seemed a trivial errand and not wanting to forsake the Legions other commitments he had sped to the Mistra system with barely fifty Battle Brothers. Too few to prosecute a xenocidal war of annihilation but enough for the mission they had been given by the Inquisition.
(Full intro on the link at the bottom of the page)
Here is a bit of the battle report for the full battle report press the below link! Hope you enjoy

The eldar units for this mission all gained the infiltrate special rule but no vehicles could be deployed as it would be to easy to spot so the farseer will call upon the reinforcements as required.

Convoy on route

Turn 1 (Eldar) The Spartans fail to spot the low moving eldar (Fail to seize the initiative) and now the trap is sprung! The Jetbikes move up 12″ to get a lock on the centurions.

Turn 1 (Spartans) The chapter master detaches himself from the unit of terminators to make a break for the defence line!

Turn 1 (Spartans) FOWARD YOU DOGS! The Lord commissar, in charge of the first imperial defence line, watches on helplessly toward the slaughter of the space marines he radios in for back up but will they arrive in time?

Turn 2 (Eldar) The farseer calls in the wave serpent carrying the wraith guard to attempt the killing blow towards the chapter master! The wave serpent fired determined

Turn 2 (Spartans) Keep Moving! The guard move up with their lord commissar to cover the chapter masters advance.

Turn 3 (Eldar) Lucky rolling for once… the trees proved to obscure the guard enough to only see 5 out of 9 die.

Turn 4 (Eldar) The wraith guard move up and fire their wraith cannons towards the rhino… boom?
See the full Battle Report Here for the exciting conclusion
Will the Space Marines make it??!
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