HOBBY: Welcome to the (Death) Korps! Part 3

Hitting my stride now and I’ve finally painted my first unit with transport. I’ve also got more WiPs on the go!
Hi! I`m Tommy from the blog bigbossredskullz and we are making a Death Korps of Krieg army!
Got both painted and WiPs today so I’ll start with the latter.
I’m still waiting on my leman russes so I started on what must be the best miniatures from the DKoK range. Death Riders. I just had that building itch you know.
Man those miniatures are so cool that the fiddly and time consuming assembly is totally worth it! More pictures here. Now to figure out a legitimate way of including them in a list. Legitimate as in they’re not a top choice any day 🙁
Got a fair bit painted this week, primarily squad 1 of my Grenadiers.
Tried to paint a reddish glow on the muzzle to illustrate the heat. Didn’t turn out half bad but I think it needs more purple.
Don’t know if you could see it but I’ve done a few improvements from the test figures. Also, as I painted up my second centaur I made simple step by step guide on how I do it.
That’s it for this week! If you want to keep track on my WiPs (I update several times a week) just keep an eye out here.
How about that weathering on the centaur and are you as excited as I am at painting some leman russes in the same scheme?