Warmachine Batrep – Cygnar (Haley) vs. Skorne (Xerxis)

The noble armies of King Leto under Major Victoria Haley take the fight to the disciplines warriors of the far eastern Skorne Empire lead by Tyrant Xerxis and his Fist of Halaak in this awesome battle report!
What’s up folks!? It’s Trevy the Great here again from Way of the Swan with another battle report for you all from my YouTube Channel! I’m piloting Haley2 in this one at the head of a bit of an odd army that I’m testing out to defeat lists like the dreaded Fist of Halaak, Xerxis1’s theme force that is also featured here! Enjoy!
Did you like the batrep? Remember that you can find more at my YouTube channel or at wayoftheswan.com and stay tuned for new awesome batreps!