40K Battle Report (Astra Militarum vs Tyranids)

SN Battle reports brings you a beautiful special mission battle report! Anybody seen the movie Starship Troopers?…….well this will give you memories
Deployment – (Special Deployment) Centred Deployment for the Astra Militarum with the Tyranids coming in from both short table edges.
Astra Militarum Deploying first and Tyranids getting a 3+ steal initiative.
Mission – Purge the Alien (Convoy) extra 3pts for the Imperium if convoy makes it to the other side of the bridge before the end of the game.
Points – 2000pts
The once glittering spires of Samos Hive were now obscured by palls of smoke and the fog of battle. Knight Commander Pask lowered his magnoculars and clenched his jaw so tight he thought his teeth would shatter. The reports were true. The Hive had fallen to the xenos and with it billions of lives. He looked up as yet another ragged column of both military and civilian vehicles rumbled past on the overhead maglev line. That was the thirteenth such convoy in the last hour. The last survivors of the horror that had engulfed Samos. He raised his magnoculars and brought the distant hive into focus again through the mired and shifting haze. It slowly dawned on him that the brume wasn’t smoke but countless winged horrors swarming over the Hive… For every one in the sky there would be hundreds more on the ground. Tyranids. He had heard of them, studied them but nothing had prepared him for the horror of fighting them. Another battered convoy of vehicles sped towards his position carrying dozens of survivors from the charnel house that had once been the planetary capital. With the fall of Samos, Commander Pask knew that their position here on Tiecerta Secundae was now untenable. If the Hives two hundred metre tall walls and two hundred thousand strong garrison couldn’t stop the Tyranids then Pardus’ mechanised company stationed at mile marker 51 of the south west maglev line stood no chance.
(Full intro on the link at the bottom of the page)
Here is a bit of the battle report for the full battle report press the below link! Hope you enjoy

Another amazing battlefield set up by the SN team with our great new Bridge terrain feature

The great Leman Russ Demolisher tank stands its ground in front of one of the broken fence’s ready to fire its powerful load out

Turn 1 (Astra Militarum) The company commander gives his orders! He gives first rank , fire to the closest unit inside the bunker and orders his unit to Fire on my target making the snipers ignore cover The snipers fire at the Venomthropes as their shrouded on units will make a great difference to the game if they are not killed They both fire but sadly fail to wound

Turn 1 (Tyranids) The Ravener Brood assault into the veteran squad but due to terrain they will strike at initiative 1 The Veterans overwatch giving the Raveners 3 wounds but all are passed, it only gets worse after as all of them fail to wound in combat. The Raveners strike back and kill a total of 8 veterans!

Turn 2 (Astra Militarum) Time to unleash hell! Pask and his squadron open fire at the Tervigon and Hive guard after ordering the unit to split fire! Pask wounds the Hive guard 13 times ! 5 of them being rending shots! To many saves to save for Chema see’s the unit of 3 brought down! The other punisher also does an AMAZING job after wounding the Tervigon 10 times some bad rolls from chema see’s the beast loose 4 wounds!

Turn 2 (Astra Militarum) The Chimera’s give some cover fire and shoot at the Zoanthropes hoping to kill them but some good rolling by Chema again see’s him pass all their invul saves! This is the next unit I must destroy as its the only unit that is and can give synapse on the board after the death of the tervigon

Turn 3 (Tyranids) The Gargoyles again press forward towards the convoy this time removing a hull point from the back chimera after being able to glance on 6’s

Turn 4 (Astra Militarum) The Demolisher Fires at the Zoanthrope but again the wound is saved by chema!!! Amazing Its now upto pask to kill it, I was going to fire at the Carnifex’s but I need to kill this remaining Synapse creature, Finally after wounding the Zoanthrope 6 times (not us much because pasks gatling gun was out of range) the Unit is destroyed as chema fails one of his 6 wounds . This now means no creature has synapse so it could go very crazy for the Tyranids on their turn 4
See the full Battle Report Here for the exciting conclusion!
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