40K: Eldar 2015 Latest

There are a lot of factions getting love this year. Here’s the latest on the Craftworld Eldar and what is under development:
via Birds in the Trees 3-19-2015
Eldar will receive new miniatures releases this year, but probably not a new codex.
Eldar will be part of one of the year’s two 40K campaign sets.Miniatures listed are:
1 Small Vehicle box (chatter says a Jetbike based unit)
2 5-model infantry boxes (2 more Aspects move to plastic)
2 Clampack models (chatter points to 2 updated plastic Phoenix Lords)
These rumors are rated: Probable, coming from trusted known sources.
The Eldar are in interesting case as they still have a tremendous amount of finecast models in the range, mostly dues to the specialized nature of the Aspect Temples/Phoenix Lords that do not lend themselves to generic multi-unit kits. Also note that none of the units listed are new, so unless some of those unit kits are combo-unit kits, this is essentially a “modernization release” to keep picking away at the GW finecast range.
Upcoming Miniatures Roundup
~Which Aspect Warriors do you think need replacing first?