WOW! Plastic Horus Heresy Starter Set Contents

Want to know the latest on the Horus Heresy Boxed set? Here’s word on what minis are in there!
via Voices in the Trees 3-8-2015
Horus Heresy Starter Set
2 sides, Identically Equipped
Models are NOT legion marked.
Generic Heresy-era models.
– Early Heresy mark armor Astartes x20
– Cataphractii Terminators x5
– Contemptor Dreadnought x1
– Praetor x1
which dovetails nicely into the last set from a few days back:
via Steve the Warboss 2-25-2015
-Gaming Set Includes a Suppliment for the Age of Darkness
-Rules and a Dettachment for Playing Legio Astartes and Xenos in the Past of 40k
-A new Allied Matrix including Xenos of the 31st Millenium
-Very generic Dataslates for the Models, only the featured Characters will have specific Background, but can used for any Legion
-Unlike the previous Sets, the Squads will have no unique Leaders, only names “Sergeant”
-Box will include 6 versions of new Sprues
Horus Heresy Roundup
~It’s going to be quite a May!