40K SN Battle Report (Red Scorpions vs Raptors)

SN Battle reports brings you another great battle report! PROTOCOL OVERRIDE!!!
Mission – Crusade (6 Objectives)
Deployment – Dawn of War
Points – 1500pts
Report no: 3516kappa709/916
Security Grade: Omega Mortalis
Author: Inquisitor Hsset, Ordo Malleus
Subject: Adeptus Astartes un-sanctioned fratricide.
Location: Majorian Quintus.
The Badab War was without doubt the worst example of inter-Astartes bloodshed since the Great Heresy near ten millennia past. There are many mysteries pertaining to this conflict, not least how a noted hero of the Imperium could drag four whole Adeptus Astartes chapters and seven Imperial sectors into open rebellion and later outright heresy. I will not try to shed light on the path to corruption trodden by Lufgt Huron, others have already tried, and failed, to elucidate the seed of damnation that led to outright war amongst those that would call each other brother. (See report no:8304gamma022/106) This report deals with the almost unknown events on Majorian Quintus, in the Gaugean Rifts region on the galactic western rim of the Maelstrom. A previously unknown battle site of the Badab War was discovered there by Adeptus Mechanicus Explorator Fleet 01001111 01001101 01001110 01001001 01001111 00100000 01010110 01001001 01010010 01000111 01001001 01001100 01001001 01010101 01010011 00001010 (The servants of the Omnissiah never cease to amaze me with their florid nomenclature). What makes this battle site so singularly interesting and deserving of both study and the most rigorous application of secrecy and security is that the opposing forces both fought for the Imperium. Battle field analysis has revealed that demi-company strength forces of both the Red Scorpions and Raptors chapters engaged each other to their near mutual destruction. Both these chapters fought together forging many ties of brotherhood during the war despite their differences in outlook and in preferred way of war. That both chapters continued to have good relations until the Raptors were withdrawn from the war zone in 912M41 indicates that they were unaware of the events on Majorian Quintus and so it remains to this day. The Astartes near pathological obsession with honour would have demanded violent retribution. Why did these close allies turn on each other? What drew them so far from the main area of operations? We can only hypothesise; perhaps close proximity to the daemonic influence of the Maelstrom corrupted one or both groups? If this is so then the lack of knowledge from their parent chapters suggests that the turncoats emerged victorious. Perhaps the self styled Tyrant of Badab (a man as gifted in political scheming and oratory as he was in war) managed to prize one of them from the loyalist coalition of forces? Xenos involvement is a possibility with the western fringes of the Maelstrom having been the site of two previous Enslaver outbreaks. Adeptus Astartes falling under the spell of these fell parasitic xenoforms is an appalling and thankfully rare occurrence (cross ref:4351sigma226/370.)
(Full intro on the link at the bottom of the page)
Here is a bit of the battle report for the full battle report press the below link! Hope you enjoy.

Another great gaming table set up for today’s game. We wanted it to have a very battle worn approach to it and I think the team did a great job with it.

One of the six great objectives that were scattered around the board by us before deploying all of them with great character and with a Red Scorpion feel to them.

Turn 1 (Raptors) My Drop pod lands but a scatter of 8″ sees it deploy a bit further away than I initially planned. Still not too bad as my two heavy flamers are in reach

Turn 1 (Raptors) My Warlord and his squad move forward into the enemy. Like a true leader he burns the path!

Turn 1 (Raptors) I then fire my Razorback’s heavy bolter at the Landspeeder, Kevin decides not to jink and is painfully punished by two 6’s causing it to penetrate the vehicle twice.

Turn 1 (Raptors) My Marine Squads Plasma Cannon and Razorbacks assault cannon both team up and fire at the very well deployed devastator squad on top of the ruin. Some good cover and a FNP roll after isn’t enough as 2 marines die Kevin takes his Morale check rolling a ten. The unit falls back and another unlucky roll see’s this unit run off the board as they move a staggering 10″ whilst falling back

Turn 1 (Raptors) My Bikers fire at the closest Marine unit but Kevin’s wounds are easily saved with the help of his Narthecium . Those FNP rolls are really saving him from some extra casualties

Turn 1 (Red Scorpions) The Command squad and Chapter master move forward into the heat of battle! Strength in Purity!

Turn 1 (Red Scorpions) The Command squad ready their weapons to open fire at the approaching Captain and Bikers

Turn 1 (Red Scorpions) The Rest of the Marines open fire at the Sternguard squad hoping to wipe them out but some very nice rolls from me saves the full squad of being killed as 2 veterans are still alive

Turn 1 (Red Scorpions) The Bikers clash!!!!! A sight to behold. We both got lost in the moment imaging this actually happening! Narratives were well and truly forged right there.
See the full Battle Report Here for the exciting conclusion!
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