Codex Daemonkin gives Khorne a Hidden Boost!

Did you miss it? A lot of people did at first – Checkout this HUGE base change that may have a BIG impact on Chaos units!
When the 32mm basing change came it really hit home how much more board control an extra 8mm gives to a 10 model units right? That’s over THREE inches of additional mass taking up space on the table top – not even counting how much more the unit can spread out two inches from each other.
Now check this picture out;
Did you catch it? I didn’t either at first to be honest, all I thought was oh cool the hounds are on round bases, neat. But then I was like oh wow that’s like a way bigger foot print, and they’re fearless now too! Awesome that’s a solid unit for this book.
If you’re not familiar with the Flesh Hounds, they seem to be the ultimate in foot troops for the Blood God. Cheap, a similar profile to an Assault Marine, good resiliency to Psychic powers, and they move FAST because of scout and being beasts! Their big draw back is they really only have a 5+ INV save, but they do have two wounds and you can get a lot of them. PLUS they can even be summoned off the Primaris Malefic Power.
Now in the Daemonkin book they’re even better! With just a few drops of blood you can transform these cute little hounds into whirlwinds of Khornate fury. They come base with Furious Charge, but if you allocate your resources (Blood Tithe) out right you can hit them with Rage, and Feel No Pain in the same turn (Slaughter Cult Command Benefit)! Plus if that wasn’t enough if you take their formation they even get Hammer of Wrath to boot!
And they’re on bigger bases now. We thought an extra 8mm a base was a lot, from the looks of it these guys just got an extra 15mm (by going to 40mm bases). That effectively doubles their board control to an extra SIX inches which when you factor in coherency to a total of roughly 36″ of area taken up by a squad of then when spaced out 2″ from each other in a line. That’s THREE FEET guys, half the table these guys can not only control, but project an attack radius of 12″ plus 2d6″ charge. Plus they have fleet, and ignore cover for charge range!
But wait THERE’S MORE!
Do me a favor, close your eyes and ask yourself what size bases those Flesh Hounds were really on in the picture I showed you above.
You may find your answer and the real size of their bases surprising…
These models appear to actually be on 50mm round bases as compared to the known 60mm sized base of that Daemon Prince model, and the 25mm bases of the Bloodletters.
That increases their linear board control to about 40″, quite possibly making the Daemonkin Flesh Hounds one of the best units in the game.
This can be pretty big, as Kenny from Next Level Painting shows you below!
Just to be safe though, I’d bring more than one squad to a game, because Khorne never cares from where the blood flows…