Craftworld Eldar Formations

It’s going to be difficult to choose which formations to build your Craftworld army around. Take a look at these:
Take a look at these formations and rules:
Guardian Battlehost:
- 1 Farseer
- 3 Units of Guardian Defenders
- 1 Vyper Squadron
- 1 Unit of War Walkers
- 1 Vaul’s Wrath support Battery
- 0-1 Warlock Conclave
Vypers, Warwalkers and Vaul’s support batteries get preferred enemy if they have a unit of Guardias at 12″. Guardians can purchase a Platform for free.
Windrider Host:
- 1 Farseer
- 1 Warlock Conclave
- 3 Units of Windriders
- 1 Vyper Squadron
Once per game all formation gets Shred when firing shuriken weapons
Guardian Stormhost:
- 1 Farseer
- 3 Units of Storm Defenders
- 1 Vyper Squadron
- 1 Unit of War Walkers
- 1 Vaul’s Wrath support Battery
- 0-1 Warlock Conclave
Vypers, Warwalkers and Vaul’s support batteries get preferred enemy if they have a unit of Guardias at 12″. Storm guardians can purchase 2 special weapons for free.
Seer Council:
- 2 Farseers
- 1 Warlock Conclave
They harness Warp Charges with 3+.
Aspect Host:
- 3 Units of Aspect Warriors (in any combination)
They re-roll LD tests and get +1 to WS or BS.
Dire Avenger Shrine:
- 3 Units of Dire Avengers
Once per game, Shuriken weapons are Assault 3. +1 to BS
Crimson Death:
- 3 Crimson Hunters
Preferred enemy (Flying things), 4+ cover save, and if Jink, may re-roll the cover save.
- 1 Spiritseer
- 3 Units of Wraithguard or Wraithblades (in any combination)
- 1 Wraithlord
- 1 Wraithknight
Get Battletrance, if target is at 18″ or less from Spiritser, reroll failed to hits.
~Oh my – so many delicious tools for a budding Autarch to choose from…