RUMORS: WFB 9th Starter Set Latest

The most reliable Rumormonger out there weighs in on the upcoming WFB 9th Edition. Here’s the latest:
via DVeight 4-22-2015
Warhammer 9th Timing
The source is a GW employee in a senior position. Not design team. Very good friend of mine that has for years been trying to get me to play Warhammer and 40K which I started year ago. He let the cat out of the bag when we discussed teeing up a social game. His words were “Let’s organise a game soon and also some time get together with the other guys for a last game of 8th edition triumph and treachery. 9th Edition is locked in for release on 11th July.”
via Harry 4-22-2015 ~Editor’s note, when Harry says something, you can pretty much take it to the bank.
Regarding the initial 9th “Starter Set”
via jtrowell
If it exists at all, for now the only thing that I consider confirmed is that there should be a box with Chaos against “Humans” (thanks Harry ), but it might well be just a normal starter box released in fall like for the previous editions, and not a separate skirmish game at all.
You are most welcome.
I have posted about this. It is not a ‘normal’ Fantasy box set. It is more like the recent 40K Box sets. The rules “book” is tiny… barely a booklet even a pamphlet is being over generous … more of a leaflet … well I say leaflet, it’s closer to a ‘post it note’. There is not enough paper in this to wipe your own @rse … never mind space for enough rules to call it a skirmish game. If Fischer Price made wargames this would be Fischer Price my first wargame. It’s good but it’s not quite Carling.(I may be overstating just how small the rulebook is for comedy effect. )
via Arthurius11
I can agree with Harry’s last post as this is the information I have also.
~and also confirms round bases for the models.
WFB 9th Roundup