SHOWCASE: Iron Sleet Invitational 40K Entries!

The final installment of the Iron Sleet Invitational is here. If you haven’t seen them you do not want to miss this!
Hi! I`m Tommy from the blog bigbossredskullz and this week we’ll check out the last entries for the Invitational. I’m covering them chronologically as they’ve been revealed on Iron Sleet. Make sure you click on the links on each entry for more pics and background.
If you don’t know what this is all about – look no further than this link. Also, the first part of the coverage is here.
Navigator household
Weirdingway entered a trio from his fantastic Navigator household. I love these miniatures!
Strike team
Ultracola entered this trio. I’m weak for walkers and his version is inspired!
For the Emperor’s soul
Adam Wier made this fantastic mini diorama between two inquisitors.
Auction merchant and his entourage
Legatho made a crazy entry, just look at that mule!
Fenrys born
Migsula changed his entry up. He originally had an inquisitor. No worries though, his Vlka Fenryka are excellent!
Legion of Resin
That the best often comes last couldn’t be more correct this time. Just check out John Blanche’s entry – WOW!
That’s it for this week! Next week I’d love to say more DKoK where inbound but I’m not so sure. INQ28 has me deep.
For those interested in seeing the WiPs and PiPs on the xenos henchmen I’m making for my Merciless warband, check out my blog. I update several times a week.
Which Invitational miniatures are your favorite now that you’ve seen them all?