This Week’s Podcast Review 4/11-4/17

Bahkara here with this week’s podcasts.
Heelanhammer Episode 128 – Alot of talk about the upcoming 9th edition fantasy and getting prepared for it. You even get a brief history of the game from 1st through 8th edition. I enjoyed the positive tone of this episode, especially with all the negativity and saltiness going around.
Garagehammer Episode 118 – Speaking of saltiness I was very surprised about this episode. We catch Dave in a most unusual funk after the event of the End Times. Although the episode was labelled as Adepticon talk, and they did talk about it, and they announce the contest winner for Chaos Orc Superstore, I took away from it Dave’s saltiness and malaise in this transition time between 8th and 9th edition. I look forward to the next episode as I expect him to be back to his usual self.
Masters of the Forge Episode 26 – Celebrating their one year anniversary, they talk Harlequins from a more fluffy perspective. Enjoyable podcast but I really enjoyed the narrative battle report towards the end of the episode.
Allies of Convenience Episode 14 – Out of all the competitive 40K tournament podcasts right now I’m enjoying this one the most. There is a number of different perspectives commenting on the Khorne Daemonkin book that leads to a very good discussion about it. Only about an hour long, there isn’t a big investment to give it a listen.
…And the Rest!
Life After the Cover Save Episode 138 – Fun interview with Neil from the 11th Company podcast at LVO.
West Coast Hammertime Episode 39 – This episode they go over their prep for Broadside Bash and matchups. Includes predictions for the first round!
Signals from the Frontline – Always a good listen for new and rumors on 40K and other games in the industry.
Preferred Enemies Episode 98 – The group goes over the Khorne Daemonkin codex and some of the rules issues that comes with it. They also mention a listener contest for their upcoming 100th episode.
Forge The Narrative Episodes 91 and 92 – The group talks Admech and Khorne Daemnonkin with their usual zeal in 91. A special bonus is the Star Wars Armada talk. The next episode revolves around local tournaments and the recent Eldar rumors. Both are easy listens from a competitive perspective since they are about an hour long each.
Programming note: I’ve been getting a number of podcast suggestions that I am already listening to. I don’t post them because they don’t jump out at me when listening, good or bad, so I do not recommend or caution about them. Beginning next week, I will be listing the other podcasts that I listen to during the week for informational purposes.
As always give my podcast, TFG Radio, a listen. We talk 40K mainly but delve into other game systems. This week we talk about SAGA(historical Viking game), Broadside Bash and a couple death scenes from Godfather 2 and One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.
Have a different opinion? Post in the comments below or email me at [email protected] and let me know!