This Week’s Podcast Review 4/18-4/24

Hello all, Bahkara here with this week’s podcasts. This past week a lot the talk is about the new Eldar book. That being said, here we go!
Heroic 28s Episode 115 – Kenny and Uncle Buck also talk about the new Eldar but what I really enjoyed was the talk about “Why I love the Hobby”. If anything, it should cause you to think about why you are still in the hobby and/or what initially brought you into the hobby.
Independent Character Episode 122 – Another strong episode about the Adeptus Sororitas (Sisters of Battle). In addition to the normal, excellent, background discussion about the Sisters, they also talk to James Swallow, the author of, I think, the only stories we have about Sisters from Black library. This is a must listen for any Sisters of Battle players.
T3 Episode 12 – One of the last Adepticon recaps for Warhammer Fantasy it brings about a very relevant discussion for tournament players. The group talks about the next three upcoming tournaments and how each is dealing with the End Times armies in a different way. Very informative and should be listened to if you plan on going to Blood in the Sun, Wet GT or Bugeater GT.
…And the Rest!
Allies of Convenience Episode 15 – In this episode they go over the Eldar rules and delve into the new Skitarrii codex. Another good codex review along with the initial Eldar reaction from hardcore tournament players. My favorite quote from the episode is “You guys are talking about fluff, I’m scared.”
Hitting on 3s Episode 57 – A lot of general 40K talk but the best part, for me, was the live reaction to the new Star Wars trailer.
Ghost Army Podcast – Excellent special episode that introduces you to the game of Bolt Action. I enjoy episodes like this as I am always trying find new ways of introducing people to new games.
Life After the Cover Save Episode 139 – RoboEd and Big Nasty interview Brian Moll about his kickstarter for the game New World Earth.
Imperial Vox Cast Episode 125 – Bill, Dawson and guest “Z” discuss the Necron codex. Very thorough and thoughtful review of the codex. It doesn’t feed into the knee jerk reaction you see sometimes from codex reviews because they actually played with, and against, the codex for a while before doing this review.
The Overlords Episode 172 – The boys cover the Khorne Daemonkin codex and the Eldar rumors. I enjoyed this episode because the give a codex review from a non-competitive perspective.
Meeples and Miniatures Episode 143 – A very nice episode where they go over the new Star Wars Armada game.
Signals from the Frontline – Always a good listen for new and rumors on 40K and other games in the industry.
Also out this past week.
Dwellers Below Episode 46 (Warhammer Fantasy)
Beer and Bolters Episode 30 (40K)
Adeptus Infernus Episode 20 (40K)
Veterans of the Long War Episode 21 (40K)
The Imperial Truth Episode 19 (30K)
Eye of Horus Episode 9 (30K)
Behind Enemy Lines Episode 6 (General)
Beyond the Foxholes Episode 28 (Flames of War)
Chain Attack Episode 201 (Warmachine)
Remove From Play Episode 2 (Warmachine)
Blight Makes Right Episode 14 (Hordes)
Murder of Crows Episode 11 (Warmachine)
Intensify Forward Firepower Episode 2 (Star Wars Armada)
As always give my podcast, TFG Radio, a listen. We talk 40K mainly but delve into other game systems. This week we also talk about Eldar, Broadside Bash, where I am located when this article posts, and Triscuits vs. Sociables.
Have a different opinion? Post in the comments below or email me at [email protected] and let me know!