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Warmachine: Fight the Wold War!

3 Minute Read
Apr 2 2015
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Every meta has it’s niche and no different here in Texas.  What comes up a lot lately in the whinefest  is how to battle Wold War.

by Revenanttx

This is that pesky circle caster Bradigus Tier 4 theme list.  He gets a free light woldwatcher , access to a 3rd set of shifting stones, and sentry stones start the game with 3 fury.  This list can be pretty overwhelming to new players and even experienced players might have trouble finding ways around all those rocks.


What You Shouldn’t Do:

Don’t jam this list with easy to hit infantry,( Jam:  Running models in front of models to block charge lanes).  Wold War wants to hit easy models before it goes for heavier targets.

Don’t put heavies in straight lines.  Bradigus feat can’t go in diagonals.  Make the Wold War work to get to your heavy targets.

Unless you have to don’t play the middle of the board.  Brad is only a 6 fury caster.  If you can stretch his lines out he will most likely have to commit to one side of the board.



What You Should Do:

Kill shifting stones!  Those stones are a real problem!  Not only do they increase the threat range of the army, they let it run pretty hot fury wise due to serenity.

Realize threat ranges.  Remember porting is not completely within and Brad’s feat adds another 5″ after the port.  Nothing is more sadness inducing then seeing a Wold 15″ up the board when you thought you were safe.

Kill mannequins.  Unless your whole army has eyeless sight , hunter, and pathfinder you are going to need to stop the forest crapping sticks from blocking your big threats.

Split up.  Don’t fight head on, make those side flags




Warmachine vs WoldWar:

Cygnar best answer in my opinon is Stryker3.  A full unit of Nyss with murdoch + fury can cut some big holes into the rock wall. Haley2 has answers for everything as well.

Menoth can really do some shooting pain with redeemers pretty much auto hitting.  Avatar can still 1 round anything on the side of the table he gets to. Testament can block Brad shooting with  clouds and zealots do decent damage with bombs.

Khador can hit really hard and that is great.  Buthcher 1 would be my choice.  Outriders can kill all the stones pretty easily under feat turn and Nyss with Valchev are just as scary as the Cygnar version.

Cryx probably don’t change there play style to much.  Apply banes and if that didn’t work, apply more banes.

Mercs will probably drop Thexus as Rampager pretty much kills a watcher a turn for free.



Hordes vs WoldWar:

Trolls have a few great models vs WoldWar.  Slag trolls can do a number on watchers with it’s extra dice of damage.  Mulg can also smash through anything he gets to.

Legion will probably drop Vayl1.  As with Thexus , rampager makes everything easier.

Skorne can probably just walk up to Brad with Xerxis1 and beat it down.  Fury+Feat will hurt arm21 pretty bad.

Circle in the mirror match.  I think both Kayas do really well with yoyoing her heavies and Morhvanna2 can annoy Brad with purify.

Minions might drop carver for the extra hitting power or Rask for fury.



What do you think BOLS, how do you handle the WOLDWAR?  Please share with your comments below.

Author: Revenant
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