X-Wing RUMORS: Beyond Wave 7

Some chatter got picked up this past week about what may be coming after Wave 7 for both X-Wing, ARMADA & more. Here’s the latest rumors:
via Red 5
– Scum & Villainy will get the next HUGE ship. A “Dreadnought” is being considered. ~Editor’s note, there are a LOT of “dreadnoughts” in the Star Wars universe… Also interesting to note the Gozanti class Armed Transport getting special stats and treatment in the FFG Star Wars RPGs. That might fit the bill for a S&V HUGE ship as well.
– You better bet FFG is working on all the ships from the upcoming movies. If you’ve seen it in trailers, there are probably models in the works.
– Look for more missions and scenarios for ARMADA based on the movies. The Death Star might make an appearance in some way…
– “UTEEDI & JUB JUB”! Two of every Star Wars fan’s favorite “little people” are on thier way to Imperial Assault.
~ Oh I can’t wait for Scum & Villainy to get their own HUGE Ship!