40K SN Battle Report (Khorne Daemonkin vs Dark Angels)

SN Battle reports brings you another great battle report!
Mission – Purge the Alien
+3VP for every line of defence the Khorne army passes
+3VP for SLW (Daemonkin Khorne Lord)
Deployment – Unique
Points – Daemonkin Khorne 2000pts
Dark Angels 1750pts + fortress deployment
The charnel clouds and rust red mist swirled over the Citadel. Its wall of gore stained brass rose as a cliff grounded in sea of skulls and debris stretching from one horizon to the other, unbroken and unbreakable.
Outside lay those who failed at the last possible hurdle. Tentacle spewing spawn writhing in constant agony who had once aspired to daemonhood now mere shadows of themselves with a foul immortality of sorts.
Within the walls lay a physical manifestation of the outer realm of the Blood God, or as close to a physical manifestation as a mortal mind could fathom. What the foul denizens within saw, or felt, or thought, if they in fact did any of those things, was impossible to say. What was clear was that they were stirring. Their thirst for blood had reached a crescendo and required release.
Gibbering shrieks of praise to the Blood God overpowered the senses as a red, black and brass daemonic host arose and prepared to burst into the material realm; a host led by two Guardians of the Skull Throne eager to bring glory to their Master through the purity of slaughter.
A call for assistance broke through the cacophony. Ghorghe the Flayer, a Lord of Chaos far down the path of darkness to princedom or spawnhood was pleading for help in bringing forth madness and death in the name of the Blood God. He was offering the immortal souls of his entire warband as a sacrifice, their souls would be consumed and their bodies play host to unnamed horrors. The Guardians looked at each other. They agreed it was an acceptable price on this occasion.
It seemed like an eternity since they had last been released into the physical realm, perhaps it had been an eternity, no matter, time was, is and shall be meaningless. All that matters and mattered is war, blood and skulls.
Marching through the soul stained fields and meadows of Khorne between the burning pits and amongst the wretched screaming undead corpses of the unworthy a decision was taken as to which members of the host would possess the unfortunate sacrifices and which would manifest in their pure form. Those chosen to take the mortal bodies broke through to the material realm first relishing their new forms and the consumption of the humanity of the damned.
They were the first to see the enemies. Warriors clad in bulky bone white armour. Worthy opponents. The possessed as one recognised their form. They had fought them before both physically and more subtlety, and surely would again, the only difference being that, perhaps, on the last occasion this foe had been clad in black, not white, and some of them, though not all, had been so easily tempted. This time they felt… different. Perhaps not so easily tempted to the pure path of the Lord of Rage as some had been that other time. No matter. Nothing mattered but the rage.
Why the white warriors were searching a ruined fortress on a world so far from their own was irrelevant. Their deaths would be glorious, their armour would be dyed red by their free-flowing blood and their skulls would be collected before the day was done. The skulls would soon be placed before the Lord of Blood so that his mountain would grow even further. Perhaps the thirst for blood would be sated at least for a moment.
The portal opened and the rest of the host stepped through.
Ghorghe the Flayer, late of the First Legion, saw his warband mutate and the host materialise. He smiled as he directed them and his Land Raider forward.
There would be no chance that his secret would not survive another ten thousand years…

Here it is our Brand new Battle Board buy the fantasic JMD Scenery team. What a sight! Just Perfect! To War!!!

The Deathwing prepare themselves for the approaching blood frenzied army. I deploy a 10 man deathwing squad in the front line making good use of the defensive walls and trying to have a strong unit to really hit hard from the start.

The Khorne lord stands proud infront of his warband and Nick deploys as close to the table edge as possible ready to advance

The Deathwing prepare to defend the abandoned Fortress “Never Forget, Never Forgive! The Fallen Must Repent!”

Nick deploys his strongest unit, his Possessed inside the heavy armoured landraider

Here you can clearly see the 3 victory point lines in which the Khorne Daemonkin must pass giving them 3vp for every line they pass

Turn 1 (Deathwing) My warlord and his unit move further town into the fortification to get into firing range

Turn 1 (Deathwing) I shoot at the Daemon prince needing 5’s to wound and a perfect roll sees 7 wounds allocated on the khorne prince

Turn 1 (Deathwing) Wow Nick fails 4 wounds and the beast is dead! What a start! Go deathwing! grin emoticon First Blood “We are the Emperor’s wrath! Let the blood of the unclean act as an offering to the Lion’s shade!”

Turn 1 (Khorne) Finally Nicks turn to spill blood for the blood god, he moves his landraider forward risking dangerous terrain and disembarks the big possessed squad into the fortress getting his first 3vp after breaking through the first line.
See the full Battle Report Here for the exciting conclusion!
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