Blood Oath: Exclusive 40K Campaign Book Unveiled

Khorne and the Imperium are throwing down in this brand new 40K Campaign Book up for sale this weekend in Nottingham.
via Atia on BolterandChainsword 5-17-2015
Warhammer World Exclusive Campaign Supplement:
Blood Oath
(Ultramarines, Grey Knights, Imperial Knights, Titans vs Khorne, Chaos Titans, Chaos Knights)
- Ultramarines 1st company:
- The Spear of Sicarius:
- Grey Knights Emperors Hand Strike Force:
- Anvil of the Emperor – Knights and Titans
- The Bloodied Horde (Khorne Daemons)
- The Fist of Khorne (Berzerkers)
- The Goreguard (Anggrath and Bloodthirsters)
- Hellforged Hunting Pack (Daemon Engines)
More Blood Oath Info Here
(more rules, go look)
~So what’s your take about event-only campaign books with new formations being released by GW?