Clockwork Armada Sets Sail For Kickstarter

Game Fleet Productions has just launched a Kickstarter for its upcoming miniatures game Clockwork Armada.
Clockwork Armada is a new entry into the ever-growing universe of sci-fi fleet combat games. Set in an alternate reality where giant, flat worlds float in a vast ocean of stars called the Fields of Celestae, various cultures and races have carved out planet-spanning empires through a combination of steam power, clockwork devices, and ancient technologies created by long lost civilizations.
So far we have seen miniatures for two of the four factions: The Carthesian Empire and the Moren Confederation. The Carthesians are the biggest and most powerful empire around, traversing the stars in vessels that strongly resemble tall ships with wings. The Moren Confederation are a group of rebellious upstarts seeking independence from the Carthesians, and utilize warships that look like early 20th century dreadnoughts. The two other factions, the Viking-inspired Banfirar and the ironclads of the Allied Kingdoms of Zant, are potential stretch goals.
Played on a 4’x4′ table, Clockwork Armada uses an alternating activations turn structure and is all about maneuvering your ships into optimal firing arcs using modular, segmented measuring tools called Course Rulers. The game uses stat cards to track hull and systems damage. While there will be a full color rulebook featuring artwork and fluff, Game Fleet promises that they will always maintain a free PDF of the rules on their official website. Miniatures will be cast in resin and pewter. A gameplay video is supposed to be coming soon.
At the time of writing, Clockwork Armada is sitting at just over $6,000 of its $42,200 goal with 31 days to go. The $58 Ship Master pledge is described as a standard sized starter box and contains one battle cruiser, two cruisers, three corvettes, course ruler, and stat cards. For $76 you can get a starter box with an additional cruiser and three frigates.
I wish Game Fleet the best of luck with their Kickstarter. I personally really like the retro-futuristic/clockwork/steampunk look of the setting, with starships that look like watercraft in space.
What do you guys think? Anyone here interested in Clockwork Armada?