Goatboy’s 40k List Thoughts: New Knights and You!

Goatboy here again and as I prepare for a localish RTT I am going back to the a quick thought post with some Knight list building ideas.
I am currently building one of the new Knights and have gotten the initial full arm swap magnetization done. Woot this sucka can now be all the robots in disguise! But this isn’t a hobby article – instead this is just looking at ways to be mean with the new Knights. I know in my review I went over some basic lists already but today I want to build a few that might actually make the cut to the top 8 if fielded. Of course this all depends on how the events will limit/allow LoWs and armies full of them.
Initial list building thoughts utilizing the formation that might be the strongest – Tripartite Lance.
Formation: 1 of each of the new Knights – Warden, Gallant, Crusader.
Special Rules: As long as each Knight is alive they give the unit an ability – One is -1 to opponents cover saves, another is twin linked Blasts, and one is D3 Hammer of Wrath hits.
To give you an idea on why I think it is the strongest it is the addition of one single rule that I feel breaks them into the Admantine Lance Territory when paired with some Allies. The one restriction of this Formation is that all 3 Knights have to put together into one single unit. Think about that for a second – usually when dealing with a Knight army you try to pick on one Knight at a time. I would use Assault to punch through the Knights Shield and taking them out quickly was the Key to winning most of my Knight match ups. Now with this Restriction – coming into one Knight brings 2 of his friends over to punch me in the Dingus.
Another big thing from this huge Unit is that blessing or bonus’s that effect units will now effect 3 knights in one shot instead of just one. Think about Invisibility activating on all 3 Robotic suits? Or what about shrouding helping out everyone in the unit. Forewarning could be extremely powerful on this unit as well. The question is what else do you try to add to get some of these combos to work?
Initially I looked at some of the FW Character stuff for guaranteed powers. This would only work if you are allowed to take them in an event. This is my first run through with using FW Red Scorpions and the character Loth.
Loth lets you pick 3 Telepathy powers. He has some other fun stuff like a 2+ inv save if he uses a Warp charge plus he is fearless – giving your support unit the ability to stay around.
Red Scorpions Ally + Champs of Fenris Detachment + Tripartite Lance
Red Scorpions Ally
Severin Loth
Tactical Marines X 5, Free Apocathery upgrade on Sarge
Champions of Fenris Detachment
Rune Priest, Lvl 2
Iron Priest, Thunder Wolf, Cyber Wolves X 3
Iron Priest, Thunder Wolf, Cyber Wolves X 3
Tripartite Lance
Knight Warden, Stormspear Rocket Pod
Knight Gallant, Stormspear Rocket Pod
Knight Crusader, Battle Cannon Upgrade
PTS: 1850
Basically the 3 Knights are around Severin Loth and friends who are designed to throw out Invisibility and Shrouding each turn as well as give some Fixing options with the Iron Priests. Here you have a big ball of doom that is designed to be heavily protected, pain in the ass, and deal a decent amount of damage. The Rocket upgrades were there to give more shooting to the unit. Remember the Knights can shoot at any target as Super Heavy Vehicles so you have a good deal of shooting coming out.
2 Battle Cannons
24 Avenger Gatling Shots
12 Heavy Chubber Shots
6 Krak Missile Shots
2 Heavy Flamers
Now I am not the biggest fan of letting FW in as I feel it has some rules that just don’t jive with whatever “fair” 40k you want to do. This means I have to look elsewhere at creating helper units and in some ways just hope to roll the powers I need. With that in mind – lets look at another option that tries to just give you.
If you just take Marines as an Ally you could use Tigerius, another Caster, some Centurion Devs and some Scouts to complete the package.
Space Marines + Tripartite Lance
Space Marine CAD
HQ: Tigerius
HQ: Libarian, Lvl 2, Auspex
Troops: Scouts X 5
Troops: Scouts X 5
Heavy: Centurion Devastators X 3, Grav Amps X 3, Omni Scope
Tripartite Lance
Knight Warden, Stormspear Rocket Pod
Knight Gallant, Stormspear Rocket Pod
Knight Crusader, Battle Cannon Upgrade
PTS: 1850
This is a 2 Source list and seems decent enough to hurt things. The Gravs are there to keep people Honest and you could always roll for Gate to teleport around if needed. Plus Tigerius could roll for Telepathy and then you have the other Libbie trying for Presence, Forewarning, and any other fun bit of nonsense. The whole super unit just screams for rough combos and somewhat degenerate interactions. Sure you could just “Dirty D” them out but a lot of armies won’t know what to do with 3 Huge Frat Bro robots coming at you.
The other Formation I like a lot is the Gallant Lance. It is like a brat pack full of jerks and my assault mind just loves the idea of throwing them at my opponent. Of course I would probably run them with some kind of Thunder Geddon idea and just say screw function it is time to go balls to the walls.
“Gallant Wolves”
Gallant Lance
Knight Gallant
Knight Gallant
Knight Gallant
Space Wolves: Champ of Fenris Detachment
HQ: WBGL, Thunder Wolf, Runic Armor, Powerfist, SS
HQ: Wolf Priest, Bike, Meltabomb
Elite: Iron Priest, Thunder Wolf, Cyber Wolves X 3
Elite: Iron Priest, Thunder Wolf, Cyber Wolves X 3
FA: Thunder Wolves X 4, SS X 4, PF X 2
PTS: 1850
This is all about coming at you and be damned on what happens. I am expecting the Knights to kill a few of my buddies too with their explosions. But still it just sounds fun as your entire plan is to go 12 inches and see if reroll charges gets you the win. This list feels a lot more pure then some of the other nonsense I have written up as it doesn’t go for any psychic tricks and is all about getting that Bass and taking it home. Look for some pics of my new Knight in the coming weeks. I plan on painting it fairly normal without any Chaos nonsense. Not sure what color yet but I will probably end up adding red to it somewhere.
~Can you hear the thumping of the new knights approaching your tabletop?