Goatboy’s 40k: “New” Imperial Knights Winners and Losers

Goatboy back and in charge again with a quick rundown of the new Knight Codex. Let’s see who gets the thumbs up and thumbs down!
I am excited about the new book as they give me a unit that fits my play style completely as well as fixes the Knights for 7th edition by making them Lords of War. As this book is pretty short on overall units/formations it is pretty easy to just go through the list and “review” them in my own limited viewpoint. So without further thought – let’s just dive into the kiddie pool full of giant robots that don’t disguise themselves.
The Basic Codex Rules
First the big thing is that Knights are now Lords of War. This is something I felt they needed as they basically acted like one during any game. Still it does hurt the whole idea of creating a distinct competitive format with only one LoW allowed. I am not sure if we should just make an exception for this codex or look at ways to lessen some of the impact of these LoW. I think some changes to allow Look out Sir on 6 stomps of removing the whole removes from play and replace with a Strength 10 ap 1 blast might be in order to keep knights on the table. I still haven’t seen a more then one list win an event yet so will see. I also wonder if the Lance will either get an update (making everyone groan) or just get listed as non usable as it only specifies the old Knights.
The CAD has been resolved with needing to take 3 of these Knights to complete it. The benefit of becoming Objective Secured seems pretty strong as well as getting a “Warlord” that can challenge. This could be pretty interesting as if you have other options to throw into combat you could find a way to protect your big ole jerkface. They also removed the whole – +1 to the Ion shield you got from having an upgraded Leader as well as the random rolls that could make all your guys better or worse. Removing that is good because when the Admantine Lance rolled all 6’s and everyone was a 3++ it was a pain in the butt.
Warlord Traits are also tweaked as well and mostly they seem kind of Meh. The Outflank option seems good but with a D3 roll to see what you get it feels like you could just screw yourself if you are so heavy with the Knight a Tude. The reroll saves of 1 and adding an Extra Attack both seem pretty strong depending on the type of Knight list you are running. Overall they are toned down which is fine as this book seems well within the lines of 7th instead of peeing on the line as they run past it like the Eldar do.
Finally we have relics and they all seem fine. There are a few better ones but each seem decent if you have extra points. The Banner could be helpful for any AM armies out there with rerolling of failed Morale, Pinning, and Fear checks. I like the Helm that gives Rampage as I love the assault option Knight and this seems perfectly suited for that one. The Upgraded Reaper Chainsword seems good as it gives you a reroll of a 1 in CCW as well as getting AP 1. Gaining It Will Not Die seems good too as gaining back Hull Points is always frustrating to an opponent. It does make you wonder if you lose 3 and then gain back enough do you still give your opponent 1 VP in those tournaments that have added that Escalation rule? The Gauntlet seems ok and most likely not worth the points upgrade on the model. Sanctuary seems interesting and more of a combo piece with one of the formations. Again these are just going to be on guys if you have extra points left in building an army.
Knight Errant – 3 out of 5 80’s High Fives
I always liked this Knight as I thought any Knight should just be moving towards the enemy and not try to be a shooting monster. This guy was the cheapest option so I always picked them. Plus his gun give me more options to blow stuff up. I still think this guy is over costed by at least 50 points when you compare it to some other big Lords of War (Wraith Jerk Hole Knight) but as a whole he is still good. This guy gets the upgrades for the top like the others and can replace his Heavy Chubber with a Meltagun. I don’t know if that swap is worth it as the big Thermal Gun does everything the Meltagun does and more. The Carapace upgrades all seem too expensive but if you have points and want more Dakka the Stormspear Rocket Pod looks to be the best.
Knight Paladin – 3 out of 5 80’s Smoldering Looks
Again just like the Errant this guy was alright. If I needed to save only a few points I went with Errants but if I had the freedom to use 15 extra points I would just throw in all Battle Cannons. I think there is some thought on making him a backfield Dakka guy but one of the newer ones seems to just be better. Still – this guy can do work as needed and if you need to save points and want a Dakka version or have a specific formation in mind – this guy can do work.
Knight Warden – 3.5 out of 5 80’s Crane Kicks
The upgrade of the weapon has me liking this guy a lot more plus he now has a lot more extra weapons for the same cost as a Paladin. There is something about 12 shots with rending that has me excited. It might do jack throughout the game but forcing things to either Jink (jetbikes) or just throwing a crap ton of wounds onto a big MC has me feeling will see this gun a lot in the future if events allow Knights. This is the gun I have been waiting for and will finally see if the Avenger Gatling Cannon is good.
Knight Gallant – 4.5 out of 5 Popped Collars
This is the unit I am most excited about. It is cheaper then all the others and finally focuses on what is probably the strongest for the Knights – getting involved in combat. With one of the Lance Formations you even get it set up in a way that might make a full on rush list valid. This guy has both Close Combat options giving you a starting 4 attacks with the option of going at Initiative 4 or having a chance to throw something off your lawn. I have a feeling this guy might see the most Carapace upgrades if you needed more Dakka options. But right now I can see 3 Gallant lists mixed with some of the other Imperial options to create a rough rush list. Look for some armylists at the bottom of this.
Knight Crusader – 4 out of 5 Manic Pixie Girls
Here is the most expensive of the Knight units and maybe the best “shooting” option to finally make a sit back and fire knight worth it. As is this guy is going to throw out 2 Battle Cannon templates, 12 Bigger Boltgun shots, 6 Chubber shots, and finally if you are in range some flamer action to light up your night. Heck if you add some Carapace options on top you’ve got a rough gun robot. As a Super Heavy Walker it still has smash so it has no D in close Combat but it still comes at you with 3 AP 2 hits that are Strength 10. That is nothing to sneeze at and in full Knight armies this might be the go to back field option.
After this we have formations which will probably be the meat and potatoes of army lists. They give some good extra rules that don’t feel nearly as soul crushing as the Admantine Lance did. They feel “fair” for the majority of 7th edition. I expect Knight lists to be a bit of a foil to some of the Necron lists especially if events limit ranged D.
Knight Formations
Formation: Exalted Court – 3.5 of out of 5 New Cokes – more if you are just playing knights.
5 Knights so just expect this and no allies. – If you are just paying a Straight Knight Army this is the one to expect.
Benefits: You get a super character that gets +1 to his Ion Shield save and gives a good combo with the Sanctuary Heirloom. This guy also gets +2 to his WS and BS while all the others become characters and get +1 to their WS and BS. All other knights get access to Heirlooms as well so if you want to do a bunch of cool character Knights this is it.
List Idea – 2 Knight Crusaders plus 3 Knight Gallants. One of the Gallants is your leader with Sanctuary. This sits at 1845 so it is doable for most events. Still – I think the Knights work so much better as an Ally/Main CAD.
Formation: Baronial Court – 3.5 out of 5 Pop Rocks
3-5 Knights of any Kind. This might be the new Admantine Lance option for those wanting more utility in their Knight Ally/CAD.
Benefits: One Knight is the Baron and becomes the leader. As long as One Knight is within 6″ of another Knight they both get +1 to their Front Ion Shield. This seems like a fix for the Admantine Lance so I am guessing that Formation might go the way of the dodo. The other piece of hotness is that these Knights can now fire Overwatch and Counter Charge if they are within 12 inches of the Baron.
List Idea – Most likely 3 Knights using 2 Crusaders with one Gallant. This way you have an assault option and the 2 Wardens can stay back providing covering fire. The Baron could be the Gallant and utilize the Nameless Warrior Helmet. From there Skitarri could be a good Ally or just using Marines and Grav to help ensure the Gallant can strike first or at the same time in combat thru some of the other big monsters.
Formation: Tripartite Lance – 4 out of 5 Grape Bubble Tapes – The Cute Formation with 1 of each of the new Knights
Benefits: This whole thing is one giant unit so as a stay away from me option it might be good. Heck who wants to charge 3 Knights instead of just one? This is where the power for this Lance will be as they can shoot at just about everything on the field and thus charge whatever they want. As is you have 2 Avenger Boltgun cannons, 2 Battle Cannon shots, 4 Chubber Guns, 7 D Close Combat Attacks, 3 Str 10 Ap 2 Close Combat Attacks, and up to 9 stomps. Each Knight gives the unit something good as well with one reducing cover saves by 1, giving D3 Hammer of Wrath Attacks and everything gaining Twin Linked shooting.
List Idea – Go ahead and upgrade them all with Carapace weapons to get even more shooting. This comes out to 1245 points and one kind of nasty Deathstar doom group. And man once things go boom this will cover a lot of the table top in nonsense. This could be an interesting formation that is both different and powerful.
Formation: Gallant Lance – 4.5 out of 5 Deep Thoughts – 3 Knight Gallants
Benefits: Each Gallant gains Rage and Crusader plus they can reroll failed charge distances. I love this formation as I am all about the cheapest Knight. These 3 guys can be a huge benefit to a static army as you push forward with them and keep your opponent on the back pedal. I like models that have distinct purposes and 3 Close Combat Monsters sounds great. If only they made Chaos Knights and used this formation type as a Khorne Death Murder Ball.
List Idea – 3 of these with default options plus Flesh Tearers CAD and Sentinels of Terra Ally. 1 Sang Priest, 1 BA Scout, 2 FA Drop Pods, 1 Lvl 2 Libbie, 1 Elite Centurion Dev with Grav, 1 Heavy Centurion Dev with Grav, and 1 Scouts squad. Mix, repeat and probably lose some friends. If the new SM book gives us FA drop pods and keeps Dev Centurions good then expect a 2 Source Monster.
Formation: Skyreaper Lance – 2 out of 5 Where’s the Beef T-Shirts – 3 Knights of any type with the Autocannon Carapace upgrade each
Benefits: Ugh this one isn’t any good. Sure it is cut you can reroll failed to wound rolls on flying MC’s and penetrating/glancing hits on Flyers but when was the last time you were really worried about. Sure those pesky Hive Tyrants are going to be a pain but Knights suck for them most of the time and with the upgrade Avenger gun you don’t care nearly as much.
List Idea – No.
Welp that is it for the Knight book. I don’t think we needed a new book but I know I needed the new Knights. It might have just been better to release these in a White Dwarf or in a White Dwarf Visions. Still it does make me want to make up some new Knights. Right now the plan is to get 3 of them and magnetize everything that way I can play whatever I want. I am still unsure what House I want to do as making Chaos Knights again isn’t nearly as exciting. I think painting up some Necrons in normal non chaos ways might have made me want to paint some things normal again. Will see. Still overall I am exited and hope I get to play these new Knights in upcoming events.
What do you think of the new codex? Can the Knights finally stand upon their own as a faction?