This Week’s Podcast Review 5/9-5/15

Hey all! Bahkara here with podcast reviews for the week. So lets get on with it!
Masters of the Forge Episode 28 – An excellent show that goes over the Mentors Space Marine Chapter and the Biel Tan Craftworld. They also give you rules to use to add flavor to the game if you want to play Mentors. The rules are presented very well and don’t appear to be over the top. An added bonus is the short story at the end of the episode.
Forge the Narrative Episode 95 – Reece from Frontline Gaming joins the podcast for this episode. They talk about Imperial Knights and the tournament scene, but that’s not why you should listen. You should listen for the interview with James Swallow. I love reading reading the Black Library books and really enjoyed this segment. They talk about 30K and the reasoning certain things were done and of course his favorite army, Blood Angels.
And the Rest…
Preferred Enemies Episode 100 – Nice celebration of their 100th episode with the announcement of the contest winner. They also go through the Eldar codex. Although they admit that the power level is high for the Eldar, they don’t let that get them down.
T3 Episode 13 – This episode they talk about the Archaon book. Focus is on the rules in regards to tournament play. Enjoyable listen, especially if you are not a big tournament player but still want to
Heelanhammer Episode 130 – Very nice interview with Jerry Parsley the chairman of the US Masters for Warhammer Fantasy. Very informative and a nice listen about running something like this.
Signals from the Frontline – Always a good listen for new and rumors on 40K and other games in the industry.
Also Out This Week
The Screaming Heretic Episode 82 (40K)
Life After the Cover Save Episode 141 (40K)
Malifaux’s most Wanted Episode 15 (Malifaux)
The Dice Decide Episode 8 (General)
Firebase Delta Episode 49 (Firestorm Armada)
Nova Squadron Episode 24 (X-Wing)
Chain Attack Episode 204 (Warmachine)
Blight Makes Right Episode 15 (Warmachine)
Removed From Play Episode 5 (Warmachine)
A Thrall Life Episode 14 (Warmachine)
The Eye of Horus Episode 12 (30K)
Behind Enemy Lines Episode 7 (General)
Intensify Forward Firepower Episode 4 (Armada)
As always, give my podcast, TFG Radio, a listen. We talk 40K mainly but delve into other game systems. This week we talk about how Eldar did at our tournament, recent rumors and Stater Brothers.
Have a different opinion? Post in the comments below or email me at [email protected] and let me know!