WFB 9th Bases Spotted & Faction Details

Today we get more on the upcoming factions from WFB 9th, and some gamers get a big surprise in their latest GW purchases!
First of all, the faction rumors:
via Bird in the Trees: 5-23-2015
Regarding WFB 9th
All existing army books and minis will work with 9th.
6 major factions (include combinations of previous stand alone books, see End Times).
Some existing units can ally with multiple factions.
End Times is the pattern for army construction restrictions.
Skaven have been moved in a fully steampunk direction.
AdvertisementGlotkin returns to the “new” world.
Some factions while playable, receive little to no notice, and may have an uncertain future regarding new minis released.
The world is portrayed in a state of flux, with the chance for utter destruction, or restoration being in the hands of the fickle gods and mighty heroes.
Then take a look at what this gamer got when he bought a pair of new clampack WFB minis (Gutrot Spume, and a Grey Seer)
Full WFB 9th Roundup
~ So the great debate, keep your square bases, or move to round?