30K: Did Forgeworld Just Sneak Back the “Squats”?!
We’ve all been bemoaning the lack of Squats for decades now. Forgeworld may have heard our prayers. Come look:
So some fine chaps in the BoLS Lounge have been going over the latest Horus Heresy Tempest (Volume V) with a fine tooth comb and found some “interesting” rules options in there.
First of all them Tempest includes a new armylist called Imperialis Militia. This is a very interesting list representing the “general army” of the Great Crusade/Heresy Imperium. These guys are the plain non-augmented, crappy equipment soldiers who envy the awesome training and kit the Solar Auxilia get, with the Astartes being in an entire different league. As an example of what I mean, the armylist has a TROOPS unit called an Inducted Levy Squad that is 40pts for TWENTY dudes – and boy will it SUCK for those guys to ever get within charge range of a Space Marine!
The armylist is cool in that it has a basic set of units, and you can make it loyalist, or traitor by applying any number of a large set of fluffy background doctrines (Provenances of War) to represent their history, culture, and origin.
And that list of doctrines is where it gets VERY INTERESTING…
Take a look at these: