40K: Space Marine HQs – “Changes are a comin…”

It looks like the Librarian was only the beginning. Out with the old and in with the new.
The goodbye finecast – hello finecast trend continues. Here’s the latest doing the rounds:
These two venerable (and metal-then-Finecast) minis are going the way of the Dodo:
Which would leave a hole in the Space Marine lineup – namely the lack of a Terminator captain.
Enter Strikeforce Ultra Plastic Terminator Captain Stage-left: Remember this guy?
via Atia on B&C:
How about a clampack release of the Terminator Captain from Strike Force Ultra its a figure they already have the mold for and as Strike Force Ultra is no longer available and that captain has been going for stupid money on ebay they know there are plenty of people who would purchase that figure at the £20-£24 mark…
“as far as i know, you’re spot on ;)”
~ Not the most exciting sculpts, but still progress in the march to an all-plastic future for GW.