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HOBBY: MAD MAX Fury Road: Orky Conversion

2 Minute Read
Jun 3 2015
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So shiny, so chrome. Come see the conversion that’s inspired by the hottest blockbuster movie!

Conversion King Mr Chaos is at it again, and this time he made ‘Da Doof Wagon’ the rocking pursuit vehicle from Mad Max: Fury Road

Via Mr Chaos on the BoLS Lounge

Ahhhh Mad Max Fury Road. Oh how my inner Ork exploded with WAAAGH energy after watching George Miller’s masterpiece. My head is running wild with new ideas for Ork vehicles based on Fury Road’s insane hot rods.

Every regiment needs a musician. Enter Da Doof Wagon, inspiring da WAAAGHboyz and adding +99 to leadership. (hell let’s rule it with ‘Fearless’)

This was insane to built, my previous plasticard project was the Carnival of Chaos plague cart and that was no easy task either. Now the Doof Wagon. Had to pillage my entire room and studio for necessary bitz to built this. But in the end, I am awaited in Valhalla. And I shall stride it’s halls, all shiny and chrome.

And music of the Doof Warrior’s sections. This dude rocking it out, because Immortan demands it!


Now to paint it… WITNESS ME!!!

PS. Don’t mind the missing top two drummers, forgot to bring them home for the shoot.

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Now that is a conversion truly worthy of Gork or possibly Mork! I can’t wait to see a noise marine version! (Hint Hint…)  All you other Orky hobbyists – the gauntlet has been thrown down.  Let’s see your Fury Road inspired battlewagons!


Author: Robert B
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