Space Marine Formations: CONFIRMED

The Space Marine Codex is only hours away and the Formations are out and about. Here are the 100% confirmed formations from the upcoming 200pg monster codex!
just one example… from Blood of Kittens
– 1 Captain or Chaplain
– 0-1 Command squad
– 3 Tactical squads
– 1 Assault squad, Bike squad, Attack bike squad, Land speeder squad or Assault Cents.
– 1 Devastator squad or Dev Cent squad.
– 0-1 Dreadnought of any type.
If you take 2 Demi-Companies, you get a full Company. (First company with a Captain and the second with a Chaplain). If done so, any unit that is able to purchase a Rhino, Razorback or Drop Pod, may do so without any additional cost.
Tactical Flexibility: This formation may use any battle doctrines once per battle
Objective Secured: All units gain objetive secured
Restrictions: NONE
Anti-Air Defence Force
– 1 unit of Hunters
– 1 unit of Stalkers
Skyspear Autotargeting: If one Hunter hits a flyer with the main weapon, all Stalkers in the unit get +1BS when firing at this flyer.
Restrictions: Unit of Stalkers: Mínimum 2
1st Company Task Force
– 3-5 Units from:
Assault Termis
Sternguard Veterans
Vanguard Veterans
– Fear
– Fearless
Extremis threat Level: At the beginning of the game, pick an enemy unit. Units in this formation have Preferred Enemy against the picked unit
Terrifying Proficiency: Enemy units get -2 to L, if they are a 12″ of a mínimum of 3 units of this formation
Restrictions: None
Strike Force Ultra
– 1 Captain
– 2 Termi squads
– 2 Assault Termi squads
– 1 Venerable Dreadnoght
– 1 Stormraven
– 1 LR Crusader or Redeemer
Ultra Strike: All units stay in Reserve. Start rolling on your turn 1.
Fury of the Storm: After coming from reserves, or disembarking, shooting weapons of the Termi squads get +1 shoot (For Example, Assault Cannon becomes Heavy 5)
Force of the Thunderbolt: When disembarking from a transport, assault Termi units get +1A.
– Captain must have Terminator Armour
– All units must enter via DS, unless embarked in a Transport.
Reclusiam Command Squad
– 1 Chaplain (or Cassius)
– 1 Command Squad
– Crusader USR
Stirring Rhetoric: All Space Marine units at 6″ reroll failed to hits in the 1st round of combat.
– Unit must purchase a Razorback. Chaplain may not leave the command squad.
10th Company Task Force
– 3-5 units of:
Scout Squad
Scout Bike
0-1 Telion
The Trap is Spring: Precisión shots during first turn
Concealed Positions: If the unit has not the Stealth SR, they get it until the move, shoot, charge, etc.
– Scout bikes must purchase cluster mines.
Storm Wing
– 1 Stormraven
– 2 Stormtalons
Escort Craft: Make a single reserve roll for the whole unit
Data Lattice: Stormraven gets the Strafing Run SR, if at least a Talon is alive.
Centurion Siege Breaker Cohort
– 2-4 Assault Cent squads
– 1 Ironclad
Seismic Devastation: If they destroy a Transport, unit inside the 2D6 S6 AP4 hits, Ignore cover.
Demolition Specialists: Reroll to penetrate vs buildings
Land Raider Spearhead
– 3 Land Raiders of any type (standard, Crusader, Redeemer).
Armored Behemoths: Ignore shaken,stunned, weapon destroyed, immobilized if within 6″ of another formation member.
Even the Mightiest Shall Fall: reroll failed to-wound/penetration when targeting gargantuan, super-heavy, mighty bulwarks.
Librarius Conclave
3-5 Librarians (Tigurius counts)
Empyric Channelling: Pick one Librarian, This model knows all the powers of any Lib of the formation at 12″. Those Libs may not cast powers this turn. Picked Libby harness warp charges with 3+ if one Lib is at 12″ or less. If 2 Libs at 12″ or less, harnessing is with 2+.
Armoured Task Force
– 1 Techmarine
– 0-3 Thunderfire Cannons
– 3-5 Units of
– 0-1 Chronus
Paregoric Cant: Ignore crew shaken and stunned if at 6″ of a Techmarine or a Techmarine gunner
Will of the Omnissiah: Techmarine and Techmarine gunner get +1 to Blessings of the Ominissiah rolls (repair rolls)
Suppression Force
– 1 Whirlwind unit
– 1 Landspeeder unit
Datalink Telemetry: One Landspeeder may pick an enemy unit at 18 and LoS”. Whirlwinds reroll to hit vs this unit and have infinite range against it.
Full Space Marine Roundup
Which one is your favorite? I can tell you the Librarius Conclave is going to drive opponents NUTS!