This Week’s Podcast Review 5/30-6/5

Hey guys! Bahkara here with another week in review. Kind of a light week, well light for me, this week. Things will probably explode once the Space Marine codex drops but, in the mean time, here we go!
Garagehammer Episode 121 – This episode they go over the End Times book Thanquol. Due to scheduling issues, one of the hosts, Chris, wasn’t available so it was just Dave and guest host Rodor. With only one more book to go I have to admit that I will miss these book reviews. Between the book analysis and the fluff readings I really enjoy the series. This episode does clock in at over 4 1/2 hours so it is a large investment. If you have been following the previous books then it is almost to be expected but it is worth it.
Imperial Voxcast Episode 126 – Bill and Dawson go over the Khorne Daemonkin Codex this episode. Although there have been plenty of codex reviews when it was initially released, this later review is just as useful. They go over the units in the codex but from a more realistic perspective since the codex has seen a number of games, both locally and in a larger scale, since it’s release. This helps give more practical “real world” answers about the codex as opposed to the “theoryhammer” that most people, myself included, conduct when they first get a codex. As much as I enjoy the early codex reviews, I think codex reviews like this are just as helpful to the new and old gamer.
…And the Rest!
Chain Attack Episode 207 – Although I don’t play anymore I would recommend this episode. This episode is part of a series where they focus on a faction, this episode is about Retribution, and go over things like “typical builds” and some of the more off the wall builds you might see. This is particularly helpful for the new and returning players. It allows you to see what to expect when you play against the army and can also give you ideas on what to field if you happen to play this army.
Signals from the Frontline – Always a good listen for new and rumors on 40K and other games in the industry.
Also Out This Week.
Beer & Bolters Episode 34 (40K)
Dwellers Below Episode 38 (Warhammer Fantasy)
Eye of Horus Episode 15 (30K)
Firebase Delta Episode 51 (Firestorm Armada)
Heelanhammer Episode 131 (Warhammer Fantasy)
Life After the Cover Save Episode 143 (40K)
The Long War Episode 3 (40K)
A Thrall life Episode 16 (Warmachine)
Removed From Play Episode 14 (Warmachine)
The Scrumcast Episode 4 (Warmachine)
The Wolfkin Episode 46 (40K)
Intensify Forward Firepower Episode 5 (Armada)
Behind Enemy Lines Episode 9 (General)
As always, give my podcast, TFG Radio, a listen. We talk 40K mainly but delve into other game systems. This week we talk about our recent 40k Apocalypse game, paint primers, and the Producer speaks!
Have a different opinion? Post in the comments below or email me at [email protected] and let me know!