This Week’s Podcast Review 6/6 – 6/12

Hey all! Bahkara here for this week’s reviews. Another light week but this is more the calm before the storm that is the new Space Marine codex, so here we go!
Eye of Horus Episode 16 – this weeks episode clocks in at almost 5 hours! In addition to the normal subjects I recommend you listen as they delve into the history of the Iron Warriors Legion. Almost always overshadowed by other legions, it is nice to see some attention brought to the 4th Legion. If you are an Iron Warriors fan or just want to learn more about them, give this episode a listen.
Masters of the Forge Episode 30 – Part 2 of their focus on Commissar Yarrick and the book “Imperial Creed”. Excellent coverage of the book in this episode. I really enjoy the book reviews from the podcast. It seems like the more they do them the better the content as they get more experience. Again, if you are a Commissar Yarrick fan, but have not read this book about his early career or just want to hear their take on it, you need to listen to this episode.
…And the Rest!
Preferred Enemy Episode 102 – The group does a nice overview of the Adeptus Mechanicus codex going through each unit and formation. I recommend the episode, though, because f a question that a listener had posted about Take All Comers(TAC) lists in today’s game. I actually enjoyed the discussion and opinions presented by each host such that it had me thinking, while listening, about the game and how it is played today compared to previous editions.
The Long War Episode 4 – Nice look at the new Space Marine codex. Although it appears that they went off of the “rumors” that were being leaked online leading up to the Space Marine codex release, it is still a nice initial thoughts kind of review of what was known at the time.
Signals from the Frontline – Always a good listen for new and rumors on 40K and other games in the industry.
Also Out This Week
T3 Episode 14 (Warhammer Fantasy)
News From the Front Episode 92 (Flames of War)
Beyond the Foxholes Episode 31 (Flames of War)
Chain Attack Episode 208 (Warmachine)
The Dwellers Below Episode 49 (Warhammer Fantasy)
Garagehammer Episode 122 (Warhammer Fantasy)
Heroic 28’s Episode 117 (40K)
Nova Squadron Episode 26 (X-Wing)
Malifaux’s Most Wanted Episode 17 (Maulifaux)
Kessel Run Episode 29 (X-Wing)
As always, give my podcast, TFG Radio, a listen. We talk 40K mainly but delve into other game systems. This week we talk the,at the time, Space Marine rumors and what Age of Sigmar might mean.
Have a different opinion? Post in the comments below or email me at [email protected] and let me know!