This Week’s Podcast Week Review 6/13-6/19

Another week, another round of podcasts! A lot of talk about the new web exclusive (not exclusive) Space Marine formation this week, so on with the show!
The Independent Characters Episode 125 – Carl and gang tackle the newest book from Forgeworld, Tempest. This is only part one of a two part series. This part deals with the background of the Word Bearers and World Eaters attack on the Ultramarines and their homeworlds. The army list analysis will take place in part two. This is another excellent, in depth, look at the attack on the Ultramarines and is a must listen for anyone that is a fan of any of the legions involved or is just interested in the 30K setting as it progresses. A warning that there are some spoilers as this book does include material from several of the Black Library books on this subject, so you have been warned.
…And The Rest!
The Eye of Horus Episode 17 – Another podcast that deals with the Forgeworld book, Tempest. The guys here take a more general overview of the background, they don’t go into the depth of detail that the Independent Characters do, and will focus on the new army lists in future episodes. I would recommend this if you are looking for a lighter take on the background material or if you just want a different perspective on the book.
Meeples & Miniatures Episode 147 – I included this episode because they go to the UK Games Expo and speak to a number of game manufacturers. Although a fan of Games Workshop, I do enjoy the occasional non-GW game and I like how this podcast shows other things outside of the GW universe. If you’re looking for something new or just something for when you want a break from GW, this podcast will help you out.
The Long War Episode 5 – The guys continue their Space Marine codex coverage. They focus mainly on the optimal formations from the book, and website, that would be best when building a list for tournament or league play. Good one to listen to if you are a tournament player that has yet to digest all the the new codex and want to know what some of the first things that pop out for you to utilize.
Signals from the Frontline – Always a good listen for new and rumors on 40K and other games in the industry.
Also Out This Week.
Life After the Cover Save Episode 144 (40K)
Adeptus Infernus Episode 24 (40K)
Chain Attack Episode 209 (Warmachine)
A Thrall Life Episode 17 (Warmachine)
Murder of Crows Episode 14 (Warmachine)
Blight Makes Right Episode 16 (Warmachine)
The Scrumcast Episode 5 (Warmachine)
Veterans of the Long War Episode 22 (40K)
The Wolfkin Episode 47 (40K)
LRDG Episode 25 (Flames of War)
Intensify Forward Firepower Episode 6 (Armada)
Behind Enemy Lines Episode 10 (Flames of War)
As always, give my podcast, TFG Radio, a listen. We talk 40K mainly but delve into other game systems. This week we also talk about the new Space Marines, our recent tournament, and the risks of amusement parks.
Have a different opinion? Post in the comments below or email me at [email protected] and let me know!