Wargames Con 2015 Cometh!
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Jun 10 2015

What: Wargames Con 2015
Where: DoubleTree Hilton in Austin, TX:
When: June 19-21
Why: Because gaming is awesome and Austin is one of the best cities to visit in the USA!
Purchase your Convention Badge Here! Required to Enter the Event.
Ticketing Information
Warhammer 40k Events
Warmachine and Hordes Events
Flames of War Early War Nationals
Event Information: Flames of War Mission Packet
X-Wing 3 Day Pass
X-Wing 1 Day Pass
Friday – 100 pt squadron FFG X-Wing 2015 Standard tournament.
Saturday – 300 pt FFG X-Wing 2015 Epic Dogfight tournament.
Sunday – EPIC play “Big Game” Two sides section off and end the tournament with a Battle of Endor sized mega game!
*All tickets are fully refundable up until 30 days before the event. All tickets are transferable up until the day before the event.

Author: Reece Robbins