Wargames Con is Imminent!

We’re a short 3 days away from Wargames Con! Read on to learn more about all of the awesome stuff there is to do at the event!
Wargames Con, June 19th-21st at the Double Tree hotel in Austin, TX, is going to be a fantastic event. We’re very excited to see so many old friends and make some new ones playing games, together.
You can read all the general event information, here!
We’ve got X-Wing, a Flames of War Early War Nationals Event, 40k Championships, Narrative and Doubles events, Wamrachine and Hordes, as well of tons of fun social activities!
We’ll have $2 beers at the event! What’s better than gaming and beers with buddies? Not much. There will also be Bitz for sale, vendors, and tons of fun to be had both at and after the event with fellow gamers!
Not only will there be F.A.T. Mats on nearly every table at the event, we’ll also be selling F.A.T. Mats off of the tables after the event for a discount, so if you’ve had your eye on a mat, this is a great opportunity to pick one up and save money on the sale price and shipping, too!
Come by and join us for a great 3 days of gaming! We look forward to seeing you all there.