Age of Sigmar: Island of Blood Gets Warscrolls

In a very interesting find, the old Island of Blood kit gets it’s own set of Age of Sigmar Warscrolls. Come Grab em!
High Elf Prince on Griffon
High Elf Mage
Ellyrian Reavers
High Elf Swordmasters of Hoeth
Lothern Seaguard
Skaven Warband
Warlock Engineer
Warpfire Thrower Weapon Team
Poisoned Wind Mortar Weapon Team
Pack Master
Rat Ogres
Althran Stormrider’s Host
Skreet Verminkin’s Horde
Interesting to see them produce this – perhaps destined to be a new insert to allow GW to keep this product on the shelves?
What do you think is up with this?